Saturday, December 27, 2008

Been A Few Days

Well now that Christmas is over, I have a little bit more free time. Things have been pretty crazy for us around here.
On Christmas Eve I was at my family-in-laws. Christmas Day was a awesome day. We got up around 930 am and ate breakfast, then did Christmas with my parents, then we went to my great-grandma's for Christmas with the family. We got to see family we havent seen in about a year. It was a good time. Then me and the kids came back and to my mom's and we sat here for a while, I worked on Michael's book im making him. Its one of those photo hard cover books you do online and then you send it to the company and they have it sent to you in 2-3 days. I am doing one for over Christmas of everything I am so excited to get it back, I cant wait for him to see it. It may bring tears to his eyes, but I cant wait for him to see it. On Christmas Evening we went to Michael's grandma's it was a pretty good time, although a little akward since I havent met all of his family til that night. But Michael called me while I was there to say Merry Christmas, and I got to talk to him for like an hour or so. He stood in line to call me for 5 hours just to talk to me, talk about crazy huh.
Now that we are done with the holidays, I had to go to our bank, which I found out doesnt exist in the state of Nebraska, so I had to drive to Sioux City, Iowa, which sucked a nice 1 1/2 hour drive just to go to the bank. Then today I had to go to Sprint so I could have them change my telephone number to a local one. Only because Michael calls Offuit Air Force Base and can talk to me for free, but only if I have a local number we'll I do now, so now I can talk to him. Well Thats all thats going on here.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and I hope everyone has a Happy New Year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I Thought Things Were Getting Better

After all of his tests they came back and told me that his esophagus was working properly. His fever they don't have an explanation for. So I was told on Friday to start introducing his new formula Enfamil Nutramegin. They said his formula was the cause of him pooping so much. Since Friday he has not been pooping nearly as much. But he is still vomiting. Its not your average amounts of spit-up. He has been very crabby as well. They have diagnosed him with having GERD, and he is on prevacid. It is helping a little bit, but not nearly as much.
Ciarrah has an attitude problem, but nothing new. I have been okay I guess you could say that. Things are a little rough, but we are getting through it. It has only been a week since Michael's been gone, it feels like a lot longer than that. We can't wait til June, when Michael comes home for 2 weeks. I'm counting down the days. LOL.
Well Cooper will be awake soon, I better get going. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Hell of a Day So Far

Last night I had Cooper in the ER. He had only eaten 2 times in the last 12 hours and he was having projectile vomiting and really bad diarrhea. He had about 20 stools in 12 hours. So I was afraid he was going to get dehydrated, and on top of that he had a fever of 104.5. My poor little guy. So they took blood, and did an x-ray. His blood work came back as a viral infection not bacterial. So they sent us home to do pedilite and to get to the doctor today.

Well we just got back from the doctor. We have to have an ultrasound done at 3pm to check and see if his esophagus is closed and working properly. They also changed his formula to Nurtimigen. I went and got a can, I cant believe how expensive that stuff is. I just hope it works. Then they also changed his medicine to something stronger to hopefully help get his acid reflux under control.

Well thats all for now, Ill put an update once we know something more.

We just got back from our 3 hour time at the hospital. His ultrasound looks normal, which is really good. Also his blood work came back with his potassium high. So we have to call the doctors office tomorrow and go from there. At least all is well right now. If only he could eat cause hes starving.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Worst Day of My Life

I can say I have officially had the worst day of my life. That day was Saturday. Michael left us for Iraq. We had to be at his work place at 5 in the morning. We did bag drop offs, and weapon check outs, and then we went to the gym and we said our goodbyes. It was a very stressful day for all of us.
Cooper doesn't know what is going on, but he knows something is up. Ciarrah has been asking for her daddy Michael, she thinks that he will be home soon, but who in the world do you tell a 3 year old, that her daddy wont be home for a year. I just don't know how.

We'll if you haven't guessed we made it to Nebraska. We left yesterday afternoon, I couldn't bear to stay in our house without my husband, especially since we didn't have anything in our house. It was a long drive. We drove for about 6 hours last night. And we drove for about 7 hours today. The drive is supposed to take about 13 hours to get here and we usually do it in 12. So I guess having a 3 week old and a 3 year old didn't slow us down lol.

We'll I should get going I need to get to sleep before my little boy gets up. We did hear from Michael today he said he made it to Kuwait, so we are happy. He will be there til after Christmas before he heads off to Iraq. Please keep him in yours prays.
Love Ya'll

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Last Night

Last Night, it started raining here. It was pretty cold. Michael decided to go outside and smoke and since the kids were asleep I went out with him. And to my suprise I found this little guy.
He was outside just SLOWLY moving across our patio. It was so awesome. I've never picked up a snail before. I wish Ciarrah was awake to see him. I went out this morning to see if he was there, but he was gone. I figured it was too cold lastnight for him to be out but I guess not.

While we were outside it started sleeting. I couldnt believe it. I was hoping to not have to deal with that stuff til I got back to Nebraska. So of course I had to get a picture. Lol.
Well this may be last post til next week. So I hope everyone has a great week and weekend.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Michael came home this morning after PT and told me that there date has been changed. Instead of them leaving on Saturday, they are now leaving on Friday. We were going to move everything out of our house and into storage on Friday, but now we have to do it on Thursday. Which means we dont have much time left. I really am not prepared for how Ciarrah or I am going to react when he leaves. Im really scared and sad. I know he'll be okay, but Im still worried. Well Ive got to do some last minute packing.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Oh yah. I wont be blogging until we get to Nebraska which will be next week, the computer goes with Michael.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Time

Today, we went SHOPPING. Michael wanted to get the kids something for Christmas before he leaves. So we all went to the mall, and we went and saw Santa too. It was an eventful day. Although, Ciarrah didnt scream when seeing Santa, she sat on his lap and even took some good pictures. It was awesome. Cooper slept through the whole thing. Go figure. But at least he wasnt screaming, like when we went and had family pictures done.

After that we finished putting of the Chistmas tree. Ciarrah decorated it all. She put all the ornaments on it. They are all at her level, but thats okay I dont mind. I just left it alone. She was so proud of herself, she kept saying how she did it all by herself. She tells ya that all the time now.

For Some reason it won't let me embed the Christmas Pictures, so ill leave ya with a link so go check them out.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Its Been Awhile

So I feel like I havnet blogged in awhile. We've been so busy, Michael parents and brother and sister just left. We had a great visit with them. They also were all very helpful. His step-mom, Tammy, helped give both kids baths, they feed Cooper and Ciarrah. It was a very welcomed break for me and Michael.

Yesterday Tammy and I went and got pedicures. It was an awesome experience, Ive never had one before. Im thinking that I need to do that more often, like once a month or so. LOL.

Also yesterday Cooper had his 2 week appointment. He got his foot pricked again. He has gained a pound since we left the hospital weighing in at 7 1/2 lbs. He also has acid reflux and hes on medicine and doing much better. He actually slept pretty decent last night, only woke up 2 times. And he slept in his bassinet!! Not the swing. This is good for us.

Well since this is our last weekend together, we are going to see Santa and go look at the holiday light show at the near lake. Can't wait to see this there is suppose to be 100 different designs. Im really excited. Monday Michael goes back to work and then next weekend he leaves. Which means we're leaving the state of Texas to head back to Nebraska. We should be back in Nebraska about the 17th of so.

We'll I better get going I hope everyone has a great week.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Okay So This Was Gross

I was changing Cooper's poopy diaper, and I was wiping him and guess what happened, he pooped on me, it came straight out as if it was a squirt gunn. It hit my chest area. Can you say GROSS.......I made Michael finish I couldnt do it. I have never been pooped on until now. It wouldnt have been so bad, but we were just sitting down to dinner, so it kind of killed my moment for dinner.

Although today I put on jeans for the 1st time in 6 months, they were my pre-pregnancy jeans so I was really exciting.

We'll I thought I would share my grossness with ya'll.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving


We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. It is just going to be Michael, Ciarrah, Cooper and I. Its Michael first Thanksgiving home since 2005 and my first one away from Nebraska. We'll We hope everyone has a great day. I'm sure I'll have some funny pictures of today.

Love Ya'll

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The First Few Days

The first few days have been pretty well. Since we've been home he has been sleepin pretty well. He likes to sleep in his swing. Thats where he sleeps at night. I know it will be a pain to break him of it, but we all need sleep too and he just wants to be moving.

Although he does sleep on the changing table attached to the bassinet, he just likes to see whats going on. But he doesnt like to be swaddle like when hes in the swing, his hands have to be free so they can be above his head. He sleeps so much like his daddy. I guess since Ciarrah looks and acts just like me, than Cooper is suppose to act and look just like his daddy.

Ciarrah is really enjoying her little brother. She is always asking to help. She wants to help feed him and hold him. Although once you let her shes done in like 5 seconds. But at least she doesnt seem to show any signs of jealously right now anyways. Im sure that will come once we are back in Nebraska, cause ppl we havent seen in a while or ppl who havent met Cooper, will be paying him alot of attention, but I hope ppl just dont forget about her. She does love to sit by him, but she likes to touch his head so we have to watch her very carefully.

Well we hope everyone has a great week and a great Thanksgiving. This will be the first Thanksgiving in my entire life that I have not been in Nebraska, so its a hard holiday for me. But at least my husband gets to be home for one for the first time in 2 years. So thats what we are thankful for.

Love ya'll

Saturday, November 22, 2008

More Photos......

Okay I am feeling a bit better. Still a bit sleepy, as for our little boy and our little girl didnt sleep well last night. But things are getting better. Cooper is eating every 4 hours so things are getting adjusted.

As for my delivey, it was a very bad experience. I had a horrible nurse who didnt listen to me at all. I told her at around midnight about 2 hours after my water was broke that I was feeling a lot of pressure. But she told me that I couldnt much further dilated than 3 since it was not long after my water was broke and she said she didnt want to check me cause I could get an infection. So after another 2 hours of pain cause she told me I couldnt have my epideral, I finally got an epideral at 230am. After that she checked me around 3am or so, and I was completly dilated and she proceed to tell me that since I just got my epideral that we would let it kick in about an hour before we began pushing. So we sat there for an hour and I got to push 5 times for about 10 minutes and I was told to stop. His head was not moving and going back up, and well as we were waiting for the doctor his head started moving out, a nurse held his head til my doctor got there. All my doctor did was just glide his head right out, I didnt even push.

Well I can say that my labor was pretty easy and quick, except for the pain part, now I know why I had an epideral so early on with Ciarrah. I'm a whimp and dont do well with pain, but now that he is here it makes it all worth it.

He looks just like his daddy. Ciarrah is total in love with him. She wants to help out as much as she can. My parents left this morning, Im very grateful they were here and they got to watch him be born. Ill leave ya'll with some pictures, hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.

Cooper's Arrival

Friday, November 21, 2008

We're Home Now..

Okay ya'll we just got home late tonight, I promise you I will post lots more picture tomorrow Im just really exhausted.....So I'll leave ya with a great pic.

Love ya all....

Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Doctors Appt.

Today I went in for my 39 week appointment. Well it was a long appointment once again. My blood pressure was 158/105. Seriously I just want this little boy out. My protein levels were a little high, but eveything else looks okay. After the appointment I had to go have another non-stress test done. I get to have another one done tomorrow and then I get to be induced on Wednesday. I'm hoping that with my blood pressure being so high that they will make me a priority. I just want to have him out. When I'm lying down my blood pressure drops down to the middle to upper 130's over 90's. So even then its a little high. I can't wait til then just 2 more days!!!

Well Im going to go lie down, really in need of some sleep. Hope everyone has a good week. We'll put an update once we're home from the hosptial.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today we went in for my 38 week appointment. It was a long visit at the doctors office about 2 hours. I'm excited to say that I'm about 1 to 2 cm dilated and completely thinned out. That's all that's really good news.

They did an ultrasound today to check my amniotic fluid levels which look good. They also did a non-stress test. When I got back to start the test, his heart beat never went above 120's, so they made me stay back a little longer to make sure that his heart beat rose to about 140 and it did and then he was moving, he must have been sleeping, go figure. After that was done, then it was off to the lab to have once again more blood work and another 24 hour urine test, I think I'm going to be a pro at these by the time I'm done being pregnant.

They took my blood pressure, and low and behold it was really high once again 149/99. All my test results from last week came back good. My liver function and kidney functions are great. So they have diagnosed me with gestational hypertension. So with that said I'm scheduled to be induced on the 19th of November. NEXT Wednesday!!! Okay so that is exciting. But the reason I am being induced isn't so exciting, its kind of scary. I know that high blood pressure runs in the family and all, but its still really scary.

I have to go back in for a non-stress test on Friday and on Monday, along with a doctors appointment. Then hopefully to L&D on Wednesday. The reason why I say HOPEFULLY is because the way the L&D floor works at this hospital is they only have 7 beds. Obviously since we are an army hospital there are way more women pregnant that are treated at this hospital than most. I have to call at 8am on Wednesday morning to see if they have a bed open, if they do then I will be heading up to L&D and start the induction process. If not then they may tell me to call back later that day or they'll have me call back later to see if they have any open beds. So I'm hoping and praying that they have one open. I really am ready to be done being pregnant. Since I was induced with Ciarrah I know what to expect and since I'm already dilated, they will start me on pitocin.

That's really all we know for now, in the event I go into labor before Wednesday or if my test results come back bad or they don't have a bed for me on Wednesday, we should have a baby on Wednesday or so. I'm really excited I'm hoping that this week flies by and nothing goes wrong. So keep hoping with us that we get to have a baby!!

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week. We'll keep everyone up to date as much as possible.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

OMG..Is all I can Say

Monday I had a doctors appointment for my 37 week check up, it was at 1:50, we are supposed to arrive 15 minutes before so we did we got there about 1:30. Sometimes I get in early. Well not this day. When I got there and checked in, we sat in the waiting room for about 15 minutes before I was taking back to get my vitals. So I did that I gained another 5 lbs since my last visit 2 weeks ago, and well they took my blood pressure, which it was 139/91. So it was a little high. Then they take me to a back waiting room to wait some more, oh lets say about another 45 minutes. It was about 2:30 when I got called back for my appt.

When I got back there they decided to check my blood pressure. When the rechecked my blood pressure it was 145/95, they did it again and again I had a blood pressure of 150/100. So they tell me I have to go to the lab do some blood work and give a urine sample and a 24 hour urine. Then they tell me I have to go up to labor and delivery and be monitored for a few hours. We do all the lab stuff, all with a unhappy 3 year old. Then we go up stairs.

Now here's what I can't understand.....
We get up to the 2nd floor (L&D). They tell me to go back to the triage area so we walk back there. They get all my information, even though my doctor had just called up to tell them I was on my way but anyways. After they get all my info they tell me its going to be a long wait. Apparently there was 4 other women in front of me. They tell us to into the waiting room. The waiting room is completely full. There are women standing in the hall. One women had told me she had been there since 1 pm and it was 3:30 and she hadn't been seen yet. OMG....what if your dying. So Michael took Ciarrah to a friends house cause we knew it was going to be a long wait.

While we were sitting there a women was brought in by ambulance, her water broke, husband at work, well there was even blood in her water. They brought her in and took her to the bathroom to put a gown on and THEN they made her sit in the waiting room. She sat there for about 15 minutes before they took her back to TRIAGE. Apparently an hour later, another ambulance came to get her to take her to another hospital, I mean seriously I understand that they were busy and all, but come one.

Well finally around 5:30 or so I FINALLY got to go back. They hooked up me, I'm apparently contracting ever 4-5 minutes, but only lasting maybe 30 seconds or so, but sometimes I don't even feel them. My blood pressures were a little high when I got back there, but they went down to like 112/79. So they sent me home oh around 7pm.

I understand that they were busy. But this hospital could really use the help. I'm very upset that even a women who obviously should be seen soon was made to wait. I told Michael that I'm not got to that place unless a) my water breaks, b)I'm in so much pain that I can't even move and I'm driving him crazy or c) my contractions are like 1 minute apart. I'm very frustrated that I had to spend 6 hours for something that could/should have only take a few.

well I hope everyone had a great weekend. I apologize for the ranting.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

On Saturday, we decided to carve out pumpkins. It was fun. Although Ciarrah still wont put her hand in the pumpkin and pull out the stuff inside. It was very funny. We had a fun time carving her 20 lb pumpkin. We also had a small one. I'm talking maybe weighing in at a lb. so we had to carve that one too. It was fun. Michael did a good job, I'm not big into the whole pumpkin thing kind of gross touching that slimy stuff. So I'm glad Michael doesn't mind. He did a really good job, evening the carving looks awesome. Ciarrah really just wanted to play with seeds. I didn't realize that the smaller pumpkin had more seeds than the bigger one, I'm so surprised.

Michael working really hard to get everything out
Ciarrah playing in the seeds.

After we were all done carving, Michael made the seeds. He made garlic flavored ones. I've never had pumpkin seeds before, at least I don't remember ever having them. They were okay, but not really my kind of thing. Ciarrah loved them. She ate about a good bowl full. I'm glad she liked them. We were really surprised that she liked them. She really isn't into the whole sweets thing. She would rather eat salty things, like Michael, so I guess we should have know she would have liked them.

Michael did the big one, I did the small one!

That was pretty much are weekend. We were going to go to Austin for Hunter's bday party, but we decided since I have been having contractions, that are not regular that we shouldn't venture to far from our house so we stay pretty close. We're really hoping when we go back to the doctor next week she'll tell us that oh your dialated far enough to where we need to admit you. That would be awesome. I'm just ready for him to be out. I can't wait to meet him.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Doctors Appt.

On Monday, we went to the doctor for an appointment. I go every 2 weeks. It was a very long visit. We had to wait a while, my appointment was at 4:25pm and well it was like 4:40 when we saw the doctor. But boy was she a nice doctor. I really enjoyed, her as opposed to the doctor (midwife) I saw last time. She was very nice and friendly. Since I was a day away from being 35 weeks they went ahead and did an group B strep test, but since I tested positive last time I was pregnant, they are pretty sure I will again. Since I was already undressed, she went ahead and checked me since I had been experiencing some labor pains. Low and behold I have started dilating. I am only 1cm and about 25-50% effaced. Since I wasn't in labor long with Ciarrah 5 hours at the most, (my water breaking at 2cm to pushing her out), I made sure to tell them of this. They also told me to remind the doctor I see in 2 weeks so they can monitor me more closely. I go back to the doctor on the 3rd of November, maybe Ill be more dilated so we can have a baby. I really would like to have this baby early so Michael gets a chance to be with him after hes born, so he can bond with him a bit, before he goes to Iraq. Well if in the event I should go in labor before my next visit, you'll all be reading about it. If not stay tuned to see if and when we'll have us a baby.

Hope everyone is having a good week so far.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Weekend

This weekend was a blast. Michael, Ciarrah and I went fishing. Well I sat and watched, not really my thing, but Ciarrah sure does love to go. We went to BLORA, which is an awesome lake around here, and its huge. It was beautiful out too, just a little wind, and very comfortable temperatures all weekend. Well Ciarrah really wanted to hold a fish, so we let her hold minos. At first it didnt move so it was okay, then it moved and it really freaked her out. It was really funny, then she tried to reach in the container and grab them.

On Sunday we went to the pumpkin patch. We drove about an hour away to a town called Marble Falls, Texas. It was pretty cool. But there was alot of ppl there. I mean it wasnt that big but it was packed. We got there at 130 and they opened at 1, and well there was like no where to park as it was.
Ciarrah had a lot of fun. Minus the melt down we had while waiting to ride on the horse, not a
pony, but a real horse. She rode on the horse without a seat belt or anyone holding on to here, she thought it was awesome. We also went on a hayrack ride. It was fun. A little dusty, but fun. We got some good photos of our day, even a couple family pictures. We were there for about 3 hours, and let me tell you, it was a very long 3 hours. Since now I am almost done being pregnant only 5 weeks left. And all that walking, I think I got enough exercise for a month. We got her a pumpkin, its about 20-25lbs. Its huge, it weighs as much as she does.

We had a great weekend, I hope everyone else did too!!

News That Isnt So Good

As most of you know, Michael is scheduled to deploy again this year. Well we had hoped that he wouldnt have to deploy til after the 1st of the year. But as of Friday we were told different. As most of you know and understand I can't give dates. We know that I will be back in Nebraska for Christmas. I was really hoping that the birth of our son would delay him at least a few extra weeks so he could spend Christmas with us. But no such luck.

The sucky part of all of this is that he will have been back for a year as of December. It just sucks because he will get a year back and have to go back to Iraq again. Yet, there are thousands and thousands of soliders who have never been overseas. It just sucks, I know he signed up for this and all, but it still sucks.

So my stepdad will be flying down here once Michael leaves to drive back to Nebraska with me and the kids, cause Ive got lots of stuff to bring back. At least I really havent bought a bunch of stuff for Cooper, thank goodness. His parents will be here the 1st week of Decemeber, which will be awesome, since he hasnt seen them since March. My parents are also coming down when Cooper is born, and both of our parents are going to take stuff home for us.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is He Possessed????

Okay he may look like any ordinary Pooh Bear. But I'm telling you he's not.

Late at night, he will start to go off, saying "Hi I'm Pooh" and a few moments later he'll say "Goodbye Then". It will continue every minute for hours.

I had previously thought that it was Ciarrah playing with it, but last night, I removed Pooh and to my surprise, I found Ciarrah sound asleep in her bed.

Now I believe that Pooh is possessed. This toy has been through a lot and well he kind of freaks me out. I can't throw him away cause Ciarrah loves this toy. She plays with him a lot and well he's good about singing the alphabet song.

Just thought I would share are story about the possessed toy.... Anyone else have a possessed toy???

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Birthday

Well Today is my birthday. And it doesnt feel any different than any other day. Last year, on this day I was getting ready to go out for my 21st bday. Oh boy was that a blast. Lol. This year just isnt anything much to do. For 1 am too much pregnant to want to do anything. For 2 I have been I think having some minor contractions and I lost my mucus plug this morning.

Of course my doctors office is closed today because its a holiday. I think its cool some days my bday falls on a holiday, any who since its a holiday and we see army doctors, the clinic is closed. So I'll call and talk to one of the 12 midwives I see tomorrow and let them know. I'm sure they wont need to see me until my appointment later this week. Since I know have to be seen every 2 weeks until I deliver. Which by the way is only 6 weeks away. HOORAY.

Although we havent done really anything all weekend, but stay at home and chill, which right now is what I feel like doing, and since Michael has been off since Thursday its been pretty cool. He was supposed to be as of Friday, but he got strep throat. And to my suprise I didnt get sick, which is VERY odd. I always get sick. It was kind of weird not getting sick, since I feel that I always am.

Well if anything changes, I'll keep ya'll informed. Hope everyone has a good week.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Everything Is Back To Normal

Everything is how it was a month ago. Michael got home on Thursday. His plane landed around 2 and we went to pick him up around 3. It took us like a good hour after we arrived to get him before they would let him leave, only because some of the soliders that were sent home earlier in the week got into trouble while everyone was gone. But it was nice to finally have him home. When we went to pick him up Ciarrah was all excited she had been asking for Michael ever sense we got back to Texas. Usually when Michael would come home, she wouldnt want really anything to do with him. BUT this time, she didnt let him go, everytime he went some where she was right there. He was really happy that she was like that cause he really missed her too!

We really haven't done much since he got home. We just for the most part stayed home. Which I enjoyed.

Although Ciarrah got a new scooter for her birthday. She finally got the hang of how to ride it, although her steering is a little off. LOL. So now go outside alot and let her ride it. Which is nice since we live in a culdasac, so we dont have to worry that much about traffic, and since there is a park right behing our house, its even better.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Hope everyone has a great week.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We're Back in Texas

Well we made it back. It only took us 12 hours and for about one of those hours we sat in traffic. About a 1/2 hour in Oklahoma City, OK and another 1/2 hour in Fort Worth, TX. If I wouldn't have had to sit in traffic it would have only taking me 11 hours. This trip is suppose to take me 13 hours, so apparently we drove really fast. But we are happy to be home.

Ciarrah sleeping on the way home, she is using her blanket for a pillow and her pillow for a blanket. I think she's a little backward.

Although it would be nice if my husband was home. But no....he's still sitting in Cali, doing absolutely nothing. They decided to send all the unmarried and guys that are horrible soliders home yesterday and are keeping most of the married guys out there to do NOTHING. They are just sitting around waiting for flights to come home. Michael just called and said he's still not on a flight home, and that this one guy would let him have his flight, but BC told him NO. What the hell. I don't understand, maybe if I wasnt pregnant, it wouldnt be such a big deal, but since im 32 weeks pregnant, you never know what can happen.

We'll I'm going to get Ciarrah ready for bed. I hope everyone has a good week.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Going Home

Well our time here in Nebraska is almost up, thank goodness. I'm ready to go back to Texas and see my husband. Which he will be home hopefully, fingers crossed, by Tuesday. But if he isnt on the plane on Tuesday it won't be until Saturday. Gosh I'm ready to go home and get things back to normal for the most part. I love hanging out with family, but I'm so ready to go back to Texas.
I can't wait to go back to Texas for a few reasons. Some friends are waiting for us to come home and hang out for Ciarrah's bday, that they missed.

I get to go back to the doctor on Friday. Since I haven't been seen in about 6 weeks, I feel the need to go. I have been kind of scared to go though, cause when I was there 6 weeks ago, they said my uterus was measuring small. And well I feel my uterus all the time and it feels that it hasnt grown much. I even have measured it a few times, and I should be measuring close to 32 cm, well it isnt anywhere near that, so lets hope that it is growing like it should. Although, Cooper, has been able to move around quite a bit, I mean one minute he'll be laying across my stomach, then th next he'll turn himself up and down. When I was pregnant with Ciarrah she didnt move much around like this at this time. So I'm hoping everything is okay in there. I mean he is a constant mover, so I know he's healthy, and thats all that matters right now.

But we are going to be leaving early on Monday morning, like around 2 am or so. This way once we get back to Texas, we can go to the store and get some groceries and stuff. This way once Michael comes home we can stay home and hang out as a family, cause its been about a month since we've been able to do that.

Well I'm off to bed and I hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend. I'll keep ya'll posted if something changes.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rain Rain Rain

It amazes me. Ciarrah can sleep through VERY VERY loud thunder. I just dont see how anyone can sleep through that noise. Sunday night it rained and stormed so bad it woke me up and my mom and stepdad. The lightening was very bright too, sometimes it felt like it was right out side of my window. We were all awake most of the night, but to my amazement Ciarrah slept through it all and even slept past 8am.

Now today, it is raining and thundering, and of course she is in room taking a nap. I think its very loud, I was going to lie down and sleep too but I just can't fall asleep. Its too loud. I just dont understand how in the world she can sleep. I guess its a good thing, hopefully when Cooper comes she can sleep through him waking up, since when we move back to Nebraska Cooper and Ciarrah will share a room.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Birthday Party and such.........

Yesterday was Ciarrah's 3rd birthday party. Although her bday isnt until Wednesday, she had a good time. She got to play with her best friend, Charlie Mae. There really wasnt alot of ppl that showed up. It was mostly just family. My parents; Uncle Justin; Michael's parents and brother and little sister; grandma and great grandma; and some cousins and aunts and uncles. Altought there weren't alot of little kids there it was a fun party. Michael's parents have never met my stepdad, and my mom never met his step-mom. So it was a nice way for everyone to get together and meet one another.

She had a blast. She got some nice presents. Her party was at a park. Which I was unaware that the splash grounds were still turned on. So of course Ciarrah really wanted to go and play in the water. She did make her ways around with other ppl talking to them and saying hello. But she was tooooo busy to be sitting still. I'm glad we got to come home for her birthday party.

I'm just really bummed that Michael didnt get to come home with us. He's just as bummed as I am. He wishes he could have been here, but since he's still in Cali for another good 2 weeks. He called me last night really late to find out how her party was and to see if his parents showed up. He told me last night that he tried to call earlier in the day to tell her Happy Birthday but out in Cali they have cell phone blockers up everywhere so it usually takes him a good 20 minutes to find a good signal strength. I just can't wait for him to be home and I can't wait to go back to Texas. I mean yes I love being around family and what friends I can call friends here in Nebraska, but I miss my house and my bed and our things. Most of all I miss my husband. I just can't wait to see him again, and I know Ciarrah misses her daddy.

I guess thats enough rambling for now. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I hope everyone has a great week.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Little Miss Ciarrah

As of today, I am babysitting for my old boss. She has 4 kids, but Im watching 3 of them. It has been a few first day, I am always the one who gets to watch her kids for her, and just luckly I cam home when I did. Plus she always pays me really well, lets me use her vehicles, and we get to go out to eat, what can I say I love this job. Well we had gotten home from cheerleading practice and we were eating some dinner, Sonic, yummy. We were eating and I heard this spray sound, and then I hear Ciarrah screaming, and she comes around the corner, rubbing her eyes and crying, all the while, while holding a bug spray bottle in her hand. So what do I do I pick her up and try to flush the stuff out of her eyes, I have no idea how she got this bottle, where it came from, or how much is in her eyes. I read the back of the can and it says to seek medical attention if you get it in your eyes. So I call my parents and they decide to meet me at the ER. We get there and EVERY single room in the ER is full. So we of course have to wait a while. By the end of our close to 3 hours wait, after seeing the doctor and them calling posion control and all that good stuff, they tell me that she'll be fine. To take her home, and her eyes may be a little red and irritated. But if they get worse or if she obviously can't see them Im suppose to bring her back ASAP...
So that was an exciting filled night, and now Im exhausted, so its off time for bed. Hope everyone has a good night.
Love Becky

Saturday, September 6, 2008

We're Here.....

We left Friday morning at 2am. It was a pretty good trip. Not a lot of traffic, and Ciarrah slept a good portion of the trip. It was a long 13 hour drive. Gosh I have figured out why I hate the drive, it is soooo boring. Now this trip makes it my 8 time. When we left our house it was 75 degrees outside. When we stop to get gas in Oklahoma at 8am it was like 60 degrees, and oh boy was it cold. The drive just got colder at came up through Kansas and into Nebraska. When I got to Nebraska it was raining and it was cold. I forgot how cold it was, and me being the brainaic that I am, I dont own any pants that fit me, so that is a problem lol. So now I have to go find some. Well, it has been a good trip so far. We are going out to the lakes to go camping and watch the Nebraska game. Well got to get going.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

He's Gone

This morning around 345 am, I had to take Michael to his drop off. So he could get on the plane and go to California for NTC Training. It was a hard goodbye. Ciarrah still thinks we are going to pick him up later today. I mean we will get minimal contact for the next month, since we've been married we have talked everyday and even when he was gone in the field he was able to call me, and he was only gone for a week at the most. This is going to be hard for me. It will be a long month. Although he has called to tell me that his living conditions are much better for them as opposed to the field. But he cant find any electricity so he charge his phone so it will be very minimal contact. He gets to sleep in an air conditioning, and he doesn't really have to do much to do until around the 13th of this month. But after that we dont get any contact until he'll be home.

As most of you know I should be almost to Nebraska, well not yet. Well this is because after my body refused to let me fall asleep and Cooper kept moving all night, I only managed to get like 3 hours of sleep and well I know it is not safe for me to drive the 13 hours on 3 hours of sleep. So Ive decided to go ahead and go to bed very early tonight like 7 or 8 and get up around 1 or so in the morning and hit the road. Since tomorrow is a very busy day back home, I need to get home early. Well that is all for now, I need to relax and get Ciarrah relaxed, and ready for the rest of the day.

Hope this finds everyone doing well.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Well I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. We sure did. It was nice that Michael had off for 5 days. We didnt really do to much til Sunday but it was nice to be able to just relax. It was pretty warm most of the weekend. I went to the hospital on Friday so they could do my glucose test, and I havent heard anything so it must be fine. My doctor knows that I am leaving on Thursday so she knew it was something that she needed let me know right away about.

On Sunday we had a great time. We went to a BBQ at some friends house. They have a little boy who is about 2 months younger than Ciarrah. They love to play together. Although they are both a little mean to one another. The last time they played together Ciarrah gave him a bloody nose. I really think some days she should have been a boy. She is NOTHING like me when I was her age. At least thats what everyone tells me, shes more like my brother. EEEKKKK.... But for the most part they play really well together. At his house he has a John Deere Ride Along Tractor, which she loves. So it looks like we might have to get her one. But we'll have to wait to get her one til we move back to Nebraska since we wont be down here in Texas much longer.

Later on that night after all the adults, minus me and like 2 other ppl, were intoxicated, we all decided to go bowling at 9 at night with 2 toddler who hadnt napped all day....what were we thinking.....suprisingly they both did really well. The kids bowled 2 games and us 8 adults bowled 1. It was a lot of fun, and of course I left my camera at no fun pictures from our eventful evening. I bowled the best out of everyone, I was the only person who broke 100 everyone else barely broke 70. It was a fun and eventful evening. By the time we got home it was late and Ciarrah fell asleep in the car. But she actually slept in like like 11am, it was a nice change as oposed to her 8 am wake up calls.

Well our weekend was a blast, I hope everyone else had a great weekend. Well we need to get some cleaning done before we leave in a couple days.
Love ya'll

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One Week

I am so excited next week at the time, we will be packing the car to get ready to leave to head back to Nebraska for the month. Im really excited. I cant wait to go home. I really miss everyone. Its been since June since Ive been home. With it being Ciarrahs bday next month, hard to believe she'll be 3 on the 24th, we are going planning on having a bday party for her. I know everyone is excited that they will get to see us and we actually wont have to rush to make sure we see everyone. LOL. Like all the other times we go home.
Its sad that Michael doesnt get to go home with us, since he'll be in California for training to go back to Iraq at the end of the year. We've been hearing lots of guys saying they have dates to deploy most are a few days from Christmas, but we're still crossing our fingers that he gets to stay behind a month. I would really love for him to be home for Christmas, since more than likely I'll be stuck in the hospital on Thanksgiving, since I'm due 2 days before that holiday. I really hope he decides to come a few days early, it would be nice.
Today is just one of those days, bored at home, usually I would be doing some stuff around the house, but the last few days I have no energy after taking care of Ciarrah and cleaning to do anything, and since Michael wont be home tonight, he has Staff Duty stupid 24 hour shifts, I have no real reason to do much.
Well I hope everyone is doing well and everyone has a good Holiday weekend, I know we will since Michael has a 5 day weekend.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

An quick update on the no cup at night thing. Well its going okay, we havent gave into her. But that doesnt mean she doesnt try to get us to give her one. Most of the time at night she will throw a fit for a good 20 minutes everynight. During nap time, well its the same thing that goes on at night. But we dont give in, and eventually she will give up, at least thats what Im hoping for.
The whole potty training thing, well she just isnt interested in it. Somedays she will want to go, other days she wont. I ask her every 2 hours if she needs to go potty, and she says 'NO' so we are just taking it one day at a time and letting her tell us when shes ready. I figure when we go in for our doctors appointment for our 3 year check-up next month, I'll discuss what we should be doing, but for now Im not going to force her, when shes ready she'll be ready.

Now on to some funny stuff. Last night Ciarrah decided that she needed to go swimming in the bath tub, so of course I had to get it on video so here it is:

She has decided that she will be in the Olympics some day lol. Lets just see her get to her 3rd Birthday. Which on that subject, we are going home to Nebraska for the month of September so since we will be home, we are going to have a big party for her. Especially since we dont know when we will get to go back home. It may be for Christmas or maybe later, we'll just see what happens with the army. So we are having a big birthday party, but without Michael since he will be in NTC in California. We will miss him at her birthday, since he hasnt been home for a birthday with her yet, but we'll make sure he sees lots of pictures.

I guess thats really all the new news down here. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Love ya'll

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Update on Doctor

Yesterday I went to the doctor for my 6 1/2 month check-up. For the first time ever, it was really quick getting in and out of there. My appt. was at 9am, I got there around 845 and well I checked in, I hadnt even been sitting 5 minutes, when a nurse came and got me to check my vitals. While I was sitting there the waiting room was very full, so I was shocked that I got in so fast. While she was checking my vitals, I was really nervous about stepping on the scale. I know your suppose to gain weight, but I felt like in the last month I had put on 10 lbs. After stepping on the scale to see that I only have gained 3 LBS. yes this was all, I was relieved. My blood pressure was normal, which is good since the last few times I have gone it was a little high.
Usually after I get my vitals taking, they take you to a back waiting room for the doctor t call you, but this time I got to go straight back to a room. I was waiting for like 10 minutes for the doctor which was awesome.
She measured my uterus, and she said it was on the small side. I am 26 weeks, so I should measure 26cm, but apparently I am only measuring 24 1/2 cm. She didnt seem to concerned but it still makes me worry. When I was pregnant with Ciarrah, I always measured exactly with the week. I know its probably nothing. He is a very active baby, so she said he is healthy. I am just going to make sure that I do everything that I can to make sure he is growing properly.
Well I hope everyone has a great week.

Monday, August 18, 2008

This Weekend

This weekend was a great weekend. We went to Austin on Sunday. It was a lot of fun. We got to hang out with Brenna and Hunter. We also got to see Aunt Cimi and Erinn. Ciarrah met them for the first time and the same for Michael. It has been since Ashley's wedding that I have seen them. It was great to get to hang out with them.

Ciarrah and Hunter played for the most part really well. This visit went alot better than the last time we visited them. They made Brenna's house a mess. We had a great time, we hung around for dinner, which Brenna got to cook on the grill all by her self, she said normally Ed does it, the burgers turned out great. Way to go Brenna.

Also when we got there, Brenna, Erinn, and Aunt Cimi, had a bunch of baby clothes for me. Which I really appreciate. I went through them all today, and I think Cooper will have enough clothes to wear a different outfit for the 1st 3 months. LOL. She gave us alot of nice clothes, and some other baby stuff.

But again it was a great time getting to hang out with them. I really had fun. Ciarrah did too. I know Michael was out numbered with him and Hunter, but he had fun too.

I'll leave you with one last picture of our weekend.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Potty Training

Today, when I was upstairs going through clothes getting them ready for when the baby is born. Ciarrah came in and said I have to poop. So we ran very quickly into the bathroom, took off her pjs and sat her on the potty. At first she didnt want to go on the potty. I reassured her how much of a big girl she was, and well she did it. She went poop on the potty. After she was done, she got some candy. Then she picked out some Dora undies and well so far so good. We have been doing well for most of the day so far. So we'll see how things go through the rest of the day. Ill keep you a'll posted. Wish us luck.

Day 1

The past few nights, Ciarrah has been waking up wanting more juice in her cup in the middle of the night. Yes I know this is one of the worst habits I could possible do. But when she was younger and sick, I let her take a cup to bed with her, and hence it went to bed every night with her for about a year. So now last night after some frequent wakings, we decided to stop giving it to her. Ive talked to a lot of moms about how they did this. In the end we just put her to bed last night without it. She cried and whined for about an hour or so. Since I am the softy, Michael got to be the mean guy. Which he doesn't mind, but Ciarrah knows now, that when Michael says something Mommy isn't going to give in, but she cries for Mommy even when Michael tells her no.
Last night, after she watched her bedtime cartoons, about 9pm, we got ready for bed. We brushed our teeth, told everyone good night. Then we went to bed. She didn't realize that she didn't have a cup for a while, but when she did, pretty much all, she went crazy. Crying and Whining. After multiple trips to in her room, to calmly tell her to go back to bed, she finally did it. AND GUESS WHAT.....She slept all night, and is still sleeping now as I write this. YEAH YEAH YEAH for her. I know this was a very hard thing for her to do. But she did it. I am so proud of her.
Now all we have to do is be continuous. This may get easier or harder I'm not really sure. But I'm guessing Ill soon find out at nap time and at bedtime.
Wish us luck.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Doctor Update

We just got home from the ear doctor. Well I think it was pretty stupid. The doctor didn't tell me anything that I didn't know. Yes her tubes are still in, but he didn't say anything else really. He did say that one of them is clogged, but the only thing he said to do is to put ear drops in her ear and give her benedryl at bedtime. He said that the blockage may be because her nose is draining and when she sleeps it goes to her ears. So we will do this and see if it helps. We are to come back in for a follow-up in 6 weeks. Although he did say that if has continuous drainage then we need to call and get her in to see him. He was a nice guy, but I feel that he didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. He did say no swimming for her for a while, which may upset her. Since she loves her pool, unless I get her ear plugs. So I guess for now we'll just wait and see what happens.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tantrums and More Tantrums

Ciarrah has been throwing quite a few tantrums. Nothing we did would seem to work, we tried sitting her in time out, spanking her (not very hard), even just putting her in her room. Well we finally figured out a solution. We recently moved into a 2 story house, well, we have found out that if you put Ciarrah on the bottom step she sits there. She knows that the sooner she stops crying the sooner she can get up, but she only sits there for 2 minutes, cause I was told only 1 minute per there age. I would have never thought this would work. She doesnt like the step, but she will sit there, once you get her to stop crying, we make her apoligize for what she did wrong. Then she seems to be all better.

On to a happier note, since we have moved, we now have a yard, where Ciarrah can go outside and play. Well yesterday we went outside so she could play in the pool. She had a lot of fun. She also has a play kitchen outside as well. So some days she cant decide what she wants to play with. In the mix of her playing outside she decided that I needed to get my legs wet, so she started pouring water on them, apparently they are to white, I mean yes I know they are pretty white, but still. LOL.

She has been having a hay day with our puppy, Jack, as well. We really missed having him around. When we were living at the apartment, they wanted us to pay a really big pet deposit, and we knew we wouldnt get it back, so we were leaving him at a friends house til we got moved, now that we are moved all is well. Ciarrah and Jack play together for hours, they run around the house. It is so funny to see. When Ciarrah goes outside Jack usually does too. Except for when we are playing outside, he thinks her pool is for drinking lol.
I guess that is really all the news for now. We are all doing well. Well we are heading back to Nebraska for about a month in September, which we really cant wait, since it will be the last trip I get to do til after Cooper is born.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Okay I know Im a Bad Blogger

Well lets see I havent blogged on here in over 4 months. So to get everyone caught up to speed. First we'll start witht he pregnancy. We are 24 weeks pregnant. He is due to come into the world on November 25th, 2008. We are having a boy. His name is Cooper Michael Keeler. He is a very active baby. I dont think he ever sleeps. He is a very violent child on the inside, he kicks and moves 24/7. He is growing very well. When we went and had our ultrasound the doctor said he was a little bigger than the average sized baby, so maybe this means he'll be bigger than Ciarrah was. We have been going in every month for check-ups, and so far they have been going well. The first few appts. my blood pressure was high, but the doctor doesnt seem to worried, so neither am I. But that is really all about the pregnancy.

Now on to Ciarrah. She is getting really big. She is about 40 inches tall, but only weighs 30 lbs. She hasnt gained much weight, but she is really getting tall. Although we have been at the doctors office ever other week, for the most part. She has been having ear infections for about 8 weeks straight. We have been doing courses of antibiotics and ear drops. But nothing seems to get rid of them. So last week we had to go in every day for 3 days so they could give her shots of antibotics. Her ear stopped draining, but she says it still hurts. So we finally got approved for her to see an Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor, the army health care systems sucks it takes forever for them to get a referral put in. So she goes next week to the ENT, so we can figure out if they need to reput the tubes back in her ears or what they want to do. Cause she feels awful all the time thanks to these stupid ear infections. But other than that she is doing well. She is loving the warm weather.
Well other news we just moved from our apartment to a really nice townhouse, with a privacy fenced back patio. So Ciarrah can go outside and play on the patio and she has a pool for her and there is a park right behind the house. We really like this place, mainly because we didnt have to get rid of Jack after all. Our apartment wanted us to get rid of him or pay like $900 to keep him for a deposit which is in sane cause thats way to much money to have a dog. LOL. Other than that things have been going well.
Ciarrah, Jack and I will be heading to Nebraska in Septmber cause Michael has to go out to Cali for NTC training. Since his unit is set to deploy in December back to Iraq or they are talking now about Afghanistan. We really wont know where til it gets closer to the date. Right now its the middle of December, but we were told that he gets to stay back a month since we will have the baby at the end of November. But thats only rumors. So we are hoping that this baby takes his time coming out, the longer he stays in, the longer he gets to stay home. So we are hoping for a 10th of December baby, that would make me about 2 weeks late, I dont want to be pregnant longer than I have to but in this case I want to stay as long as I can. It sucks that he has to go back so soon. He just got back from Iraq on the 11th of December of last year, they were supposed to give them 15 months home since thats how long he was over there, but they are just get a year and a few days. So we are really hoping that things change, but we dont think they will.
When he returns from Iraq he is putting in a transfer to Fort Riley, Kansas, then we will be 3 hours from Nebraska and we can have family visit more often. My mom was down here for the 4th of July it was nice to have ppl come see us. After the baby is born his dad and step-mom will be coming down, too. Hopefully mom and Troy will be coming down for Thanksgiving, that is what the plan is right now, so we'll wait and see when the time gets closer. Well I really think this is up to date now. I hope this blog finds everyone well, and Ill try to be a more active blogger. Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you a'll soon. Love Becky, Ciarrah, Michael, Jack and baby Cooper.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

This has been a weird week so far....Today is Michael's birthday, so Im baking him a marble cake like he wanted. Well it smells soooo yummy I cant wait til he gets home so I can eat it. Ive been craving cake for a while. He doesnt know it yet, but he gets to blow out candles cause Ciarrah says he has to have candles and a song. LOL I wonder how he'll take that. Anyways. He says some guys are coming over after work...blah blah blah. Its a good thing I cleaned my house cause with him and Ciarrah they keep it always messy, but I love them anyways.

I called the doctors office for Ciarrah and she is going to the doctors office tomorrow, which is good, her ear is still draining so Im hoping they give her some antibotics so it will just go away.

I called the doctor for me, and Im so bummed. I called my PCM (Primary Care Manager) and they said that I had to call the Women's Clinic on post so I did that, and the soonest time they can get me in is the 20th of May, I will be like 16 weeks pregnant by then...but who knows maybe I'll get to have an ultra sound by then and maybe we'll know what we're having by the time I come back to Nebraska for Ashleys wedding.

That would be total cool If we knew what we were having by the time of Ashleys wedding then I could tell everyone what we are having. That would be awesome, I know my parents would be excited to find out what we are having. I mean if I dont find out now, then I guess we can tell them when they come down for the 4th of July. Its going to be exciting..

I think I have done enough ranting about nothing through this blog. I hope this blog finds everyone reading it very well. Well got to get going. Hope to hear from some of you.

Love Ya

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ciarrah Sick

Yesterday started out like any normal day around her, Ciarrah and I got up and ate breakfast. I decided that I needed to do some laundry so I got the clothes together and took them downstairs to the laundry room. Well while I was gone, Ciarrah disappeared. I couldn't find her anywhere, I looked in her room, in her closet. I looked in the bathroom. I even looked in the refrigerator thinking that maybe she had locked her self in. Well I couldn't find her and I was going to start freaking out, then I walked by our room and low and behold there was Ciarrah pasted out asleep in our bed. She had unmade the bed and moved the pillows and crawled in and fell asleep. I was only gone no more than 10 minutes probably not even that long. There was a baby gate up so I didn't think she could get over it, but she did.

As the day went on, she slept probably an hour ever 3 hours. I knew she didn't feel well so I started some medicine and then her ear started draining so I gave her the ear drops to help get rid of the ear infection. Which still isn't all better yet...errrr..... When I put her to bed last night around 9pm I figured she would sleep all night. Oh but I was so wrong. She woke up every 2 hours cause she couldn't sleep or her ear hurt. Of course her fever wasn't going away. So I decided that if she wasn't better by this morning then I was going to take her to the ER, cause our insurance doesn't kick in til the 1st of May but they will cover an ER visit I don understand the way the army insurance works, but she is doing much better. Her fever is gone and she is pretty much her normal self once again. That's really all I have for now.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our Weekend Getaway and Update

This past weekend we went to Kemah, Texas, which is about 30 minutes from Galveston, Texas. We had a blast. Ciarrah got to play in the Gulf of Mexico and she had a lot of fun, we were out pretty deep in the water and a wave came up and got her wet in the face, after that she didnt wnat to go out in the water with me. So I went out and rode the waves it was nice to just chill in the water. I miss swimming it really feels good on my stomach cause lately I have been very crampy, the same crampyness as when I was pregnant with Ciarrah. So basically I'm just getting used to te pain I know that there isn't anything the doctors can do, so I just ride out the pain, some days are better than others. Anyways....our weekend was a blast, We got to feed stingrays and pet them as well. Which was a lot of fun. Ciarrah and I got to ride on a speed boat out in Galveston Bay, it was a lot of fun until they decided to slow down and get us all wet, Ciarrah then started to cry but she was laughing pretty quickly again. It was a lot of fun. Ciarrah rode on the carousel at the Boardwalk, she had fun. We even buried a friend of Michael's completely in the sand except for his head, and then we gave him some boobs, lol.

As for the pregnancy things are going good. We should hopefully find out who our doctor is since the army has to assign us one and then I can go to the doctor, and then I can prove to all of you who think I'm having twins that I'm not. There is only one baby growing in this belly and we are hoping for a boy. If he is a boy his name will be Cooper James Keeler, but if it is a girl well we have no name picked out for her yet. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Other news, Michael's car got wrecked yesterday on his way home from work, while he was on base. Some lady ran a stopsign and he hit her, didnt do much damage to her truck but f**ked his car up really good we think maybe the frame is bent so we'll wait and see. Right now he has a rental car a Volkswagon Jetta, and its red its pretty nice. He says its too small. lol

As for Ciarrah she is doing well. Getting bigger and bigger by the days. She and her puppy Jack are always playing together. Sometimes he plays alittle rough and so does she. But she is getting bigger and bigger. Talking all the time and just being a goofball. Well I think that is all for now. Ill give you all an update on the pregnancy once I go to the doctor. Well hope all it well with everyone talk to you laters.

Click on the link and you'll see lots of pictures!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Rap Up of Everything Going on In Our Lives.

Okay so for many of you that are not up to speed, We moved down to Texas in January, which we love it here. Ciarrah loves not having to wear shoes and I dont mind much either.

Things are moving really fast for us, none of us mind though. We got married on the 19th of February, and about the middle of March found out that we are expecting a baby in November the 23rd. We are both very excited. Ciarrah doesnt quite understand though. I tell her about the baby in mommys tummy and she just looks at me like Im crazy or something, when I start to show more, then I will explain to her again.

We also got a puppy in March as well. His name is Jack, he is part poodle and part cockerspaniel. He is a very playful, annoying dog. Who doesnt like to go potty outside just on the carpet.