Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is He Possessed????

Okay he may look like any ordinary Pooh Bear. But I'm telling you he's not.

Late at night, he will start to go off, saying "Hi I'm Pooh" and a few moments later he'll say "Goodbye Then". It will continue every minute for hours.

I had previously thought that it was Ciarrah playing with it, but last night, I removed Pooh and to my surprise, I found Ciarrah sound asleep in her bed.

Now I believe that Pooh is possessed. This toy has been through a lot and well he kind of freaks me out. I can't throw him away cause Ciarrah loves this toy. She plays with him a lot and well he's good about singing the alphabet song.

Just thought I would share are story about the possessed toy.... Anyone else have a possessed toy???

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