Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One Week

I am so excited next week at the time, we will be packing the car to get ready to leave to head back to Nebraska for the month. Im really excited. I cant wait to go home. I really miss everyone. Its been since June since Ive been home. With it being Ciarrahs bday next month, hard to believe she'll be 3 on the 24th, we are going planning on having a bday party for her. I know everyone is excited that they will get to see us and we actually wont have to rush to make sure we see everyone. LOL. Like all the other times we go home.
Its sad that Michael doesnt get to go home with us, since he'll be in California for training to go back to Iraq at the end of the year. We've been hearing lots of guys saying they have dates to deploy most are a few days from Christmas, but we're still crossing our fingers that he gets to stay behind a month. I would really love for him to be home for Christmas, since more than likely I'll be stuck in the hospital on Thanksgiving, since I'm due 2 days before that holiday. I really hope he decides to come a few days early, it would be nice.
Today is just one of those days, bored at home, usually I would be doing some stuff around the house, but the last few days I have no energy after taking care of Ciarrah and cleaning to do anything, and since Michael wont be home tonight, he has Staff Duty stupid 24 hour shifts, I have no real reason to do much.
Well I hope everyone is doing well and everyone has a good Holiday weekend, I know we will since Michael has a 5 day weekend.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

love keeping up with you and your family on the blog

Will you please email me your mailing address?