Yesterday Tammy and I went and got pedicures. It was an awesome experience, Ive never had one before. Im thinking that I need to do that more often, like once a month or so. LOL.
Also yesterday Cooper had his 2 week appointment. He got his foot pricked again. He has gained a pound since we left the hospital weighing in at 7 1/2 lbs. He also has acid reflux and hes on medicine and doing much better. He actually slept pretty decent last night, only woke up 2 times. And he slept in his bassinet!! Not the swing. This is good for us.
Well since this is our last weekend together, we are going to see Santa and go look at the holiday light show at the near lake. Can't wait to see this there is suppose to be 100 different designs. Im really excited. Monday Michael goes back to work and then next weekend he leaves. Which means we're leaving the state of Texas to head back to Nebraska. We should be back in Nebraska about the 17th of so.
We'll I better get going I hope everyone has a great week.
Wow, Cooper looks just like his Daddy!!!!
Sorry to hear Michael has to go back :(
Are you keeping your place in TX or moving all together?
We are putting everything is storage, and moving back til he comes home, once he's home we'll move back to Texas.
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