Tuesday, November 4, 2008

OMG..Is all I can Say

Monday I had a doctors appointment for my 37 week check up, it was at 1:50, we are supposed to arrive 15 minutes before so we did we got there about 1:30. Sometimes I get in early. Well not this day. When I got there and checked in, we sat in the waiting room for about 15 minutes before I was taking back to get my vitals. So I did that I gained another 5 lbs since my last visit 2 weeks ago, and well they took my blood pressure, which it was 139/91. So it was a little high. Then they take me to a back waiting room to wait some more, oh lets say about another 45 minutes. It was about 2:30 when I got called back for my appt.

When I got back there they decided to check my blood pressure. When the rechecked my blood pressure it was 145/95, they did it again and again I had a blood pressure of 150/100. So they tell me I have to go to the lab do some blood work and give a urine sample and a 24 hour urine. Then they tell me I have to go up to labor and delivery and be monitored for a few hours. We do all the lab stuff, all with a unhappy 3 year old. Then we go up stairs.

Now here's what I can't understand.....
We get up to the 2nd floor (L&D). They tell me to go back to the triage area so we walk back there. They get all my information, even though my doctor had just called up to tell them I was on my way but anyways. After they get all my info they tell me its going to be a long wait. Apparently there was 4 other women in front of me. They tell us to into the waiting room. The waiting room is completely full. There are women standing in the hall. One women had told me she had been there since 1 pm and it was 3:30 and she hadn't been seen yet. OMG....what if your dying. So Michael took Ciarrah to a friends house cause we knew it was going to be a long wait.

While we were sitting there a women was brought in by ambulance, her water broke, husband at work, well there was even blood in her water. They brought her in and took her to the bathroom to put a gown on and THEN they made her sit in the waiting room. She sat there for about 15 minutes before they took her back to TRIAGE. Apparently an hour later, another ambulance came to get her to take her to another hospital, I mean seriously I understand that they were busy and all, but come one.

Well finally around 5:30 or so I FINALLY got to go back. They hooked up me, I'm apparently contracting ever 4-5 minutes, but only lasting maybe 30 seconds or so, but sometimes I don't even feel them. My blood pressures were a little high when I got back there, but they went down to like 112/79. So they sent me home oh around 7pm.

I understand that they were busy. But this hospital could really use the help. I'm very upset that even a women who obviously should be seen soon was made to wait. I told Michael that I'm not got to that place unless a) my water breaks, b)I'm in so much pain that I can't even move and I'm driving him crazy or c) my contractions are like 1 minute apart. I'm very frustrated that I had to spend 6 hours for something that could/should have only take a few.

well I hope everyone had a great weekend. I apologize for the ranting.

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