Monday, January 5, 2009

One Day In...And Its Going Good

Today we decided to go ahead and potty train Ciarrah. Well things are going really well. We started once we got up this morning. I let her pick out the big girl undies she wanted to wear today and off we started. Every hour on the hour I take her to the potty. And I think everytime I have taking her she has gone potty. We are so proud of her. We did have one accident, and it was kind of my fault, I really had to go to the post office and mail Michael his box, so well it is very cold outside and I think the cold made her go potty, she told me once she did it though, so I believe it was kind of my fault.
On to other happy news. Michael now has internet in his room. He got it on Saturday, and since then we have been talking alot now. We also both have webcams, and well he gets to see the kids everyday so far. I know this means the world to him. I can see it in his eyes. Im so happy that I get to see him, I feel that it makes my day go by so much better and faster.
He was telling me about on of the guys in his unit, went out on their first mission yesterday and their truck got hit by an IED or IUD, I cant remember what they are called, but nothin happened to his truck it just made a little noise and that was it. Since they have M-wraps now the men and women over there are alot safer. So it makes me feel alot better about being over there, I mean I dont want him there, but I have no choice at least I know hes alot safer.
Cooper, is still doing alot of spitting. But everyone says there is nothing wrong with him. So we are taking it one day at a time.
Well that is everything for now. Hope everyone has a great week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just be glad you are not starting with Cooper:) Boys are not easy:)