Well not really much going on around here. Just the same old same old. We are still working on potty training Ciarrah shes doing pretty well. Cooper is doing better now that he eats cereal he isnt spitting up anything. The doctor told us it was a last resort and we are there. Thank goodness its working!! He sleep pretty much all night or at least 8-9 hours at a stretch. Thats all thats really going on with the kids
Michael is coming home for sure in May for R&R leave. We don't know an exact date yet, but we do know that its sometime in May. Im so excited. I can't wait for him to get here. This means I know have a date to look forward too!
Other than that things are going well. It is pretty warm here right now. Tomorrow its suppose to get around 50 degrees. But then its suppose to get really cold and fast. Im bummed about that but what can we do!
I'll leave you with a new picture of Cooper at 6 weeks!

what a cutie!!
good pics of the kids and have fun with potty training.
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