So Im so excited and I had to share my great news with ya'll.
Tonight my phone rings, didnt know the number but it was local so I figured I would let the voicemail pick it up, but for some reason I decided to answer it after all. Im so glad I did, the news made my night. It was my cousins wife, she was calling to tell me that Ciarrahs' sperm donor is willing to sign his rights away to her and let Michael adopt her!! This is such good news. He has said he would in the past but then he would change his mind. Well this time I dont think he'll change it, mostly because he has a 4th baby, by a 4th woman, on the way. Geezzz...some ppl just shouldnt breed, but then again I wouldnt have my beautiful little girl!!
I planned on going and getting a hold of an attorney after we filed our taxes to start the process, cause I figured once he realized how much behing he is on child support he would sign her over anyways, but since i have POA for Michael and I can represent him in any civil litigation, an attorney told me I could do all of it by myself. I'm so excited, so next week Im off to find me an attorney and get this process started so just maybe by the time she starts school, she'll have the same last name as us, that would be awesome.
Also, Ciarrah starts preschool next week, 3 days a week from 10 to 4. Im excited for her and me!! Since Cooper sleeps alot, this means I can maybe just maybe start classes online!! Well thats my next goal, one thing at a time on my plate lol.
Well thanks for reading about my great news. Hope everyone had a great week!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Not to much going on
Well not really much going on around here. Just the same old same old. We are still working on potty training Ciarrah shes doing pretty well. Cooper is doing better now that he eats cereal he isnt spitting up anything. The doctor told us it was a last resort and we are there. Thank goodness its working!! He sleep pretty much all night or at least 8-9 hours at a stretch. Thats all thats really going on with the kids
Michael is coming home for sure in May for R&R leave. We don't know an exact date yet, but we do know that its sometime in May. Im so excited. I can't wait for him to get here. This means I know have a date to look forward too!
Other than that things are going well. It is pretty warm here right now. Tomorrow its suppose to get around 50 degrees. But then its suppose to get really cold and fast. Im bummed about that but what can we do!
I'll leave you with a new picture of Cooper at 6 weeks!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Last Few Days
The last few days have been very diffiuclt.
Ciarrah is doing better with the potty thing. She holds it til she feels like going, sometimes she wets her pants, but shes doing pretty good. She wont poop in the potty. I hear that alot of kids dont want to poop in the potty. But at least for right now we are making some good progress. Which I am very pleased about. Its nice only having to change one kids diaper. She has even for the most part stayed dry over night! Hooray for her! I'm so proud of her.
Cooper is doing okay. I took him to Childrens over the weekend cause he was acting a little lathergic and still spitting up alot, and I was sick of getting no where with the doctors in the ER here. So we went to Children's and we actually saw a doctor who finally gave a real answer to what is wrong with my little man. He has the same thing as what my brother did, if ya'll dont know what that is. Basically the doctor told me that the muscle at the end of his esophagus isnt very strong so its not working with the valve to open and shut properly. He told me that he has a severe case of this and theres nothing they can do, but just wait and he'll grow out of. Im so glad a doctor finally gave me an answer and a positive to everything now. I mean we just get to wait, but he said it should be maybe 3-4 months and he may be doing alot better. So this is great news.
On to some more good news. Cooper and Ciarrah finally slept in the same room. Cooper finally slept in his crib. He went to bed and so did Ciarrah around 8pm and Cooper slept til 5am and ate and went back to sleep. Ciarrah slept til around 9am. So really I had a great night sleep. Well except for my 3am phone call from Iraq that I get every night.
Speaking of Iraq. Michael is doing as well as can be expected. He actually today had to start doing missions. But they are only 5 hours long and only 6 days a week. So its better than last time he was there. Which I'm happy about. We get to talk everyday by using Skype and the web cam which is awesome, and its so cheap for him to. It costs us like 6 dollars a month for unlimited calling, and he has voicemail so we can call him whenever we want even if hes not there we can still leave a message. Hooray! Today he got my care package that I sent to him on the 6Th. I'm so impressed with the postal service, because he said it took him 2 weeks or longer last time to get packages. But he was so excited. Cause that meant he got sheets and a blankey since hes been using a sleeping bag. He also said that he made all the guys in his room jealous. Cause when I sent the box, I doused it in perfume. He said that you really could smell, it so now his room smells like a woman was there lol. He says every time someone walks by his bunk he asks them if they want to smell his box lol. I'm so happy that I made his day. lol.
I guess that's really all the news right now other than its freezing cold. I'm ready to be heading back to Texas where its warm.
We'll I hope everyone has a great day and rest of the week.
If anyone has any ideas on how to make cookies stay fresh for a weeks journey to Iraq I'm all ears!!!
Ciarrah is doing better with the potty thing. She holds it til she feels like going, sometimes she wets her pants, but shes doing pretty good. She wont poop in the potty. I hear that alot of kids dont want to poop in the potty. But at least for right now we are making some good progress. Which I am very pleased about. Its nice only having to change one kids diaper. She has even for the most part stayed dry over night! Hooray for her! I'm so proud of her.
Cooper is doing okay. I took him to Childrens over the weekend cause he was acting a little lathergic and still spitting up alot, and I was sick of getting no where with the doctors in the ER here. So we went to Children's and we actually saw a doctor who finally gave a real answer to what is wrong with my little man. He has the same thing as what my brother did, if ya'll dont know what that is. Basically the doctor told me that the muscle at the end of his esophagus isnt very strong so its not working with the valve to open and shut properly. He told me that he has a severe case of this and theres nothing they can do, but just wait and he'll grow out of. Im so glad a doctor finally gave me an answer and a positive to everything now. I mean we just get to wait, but he said it should be maybe 3-4 months and he may be doing alot better. So this is great news.
On to some more good news. Cooper and Ciarrah finally slept in the same room. Cooper finally slept in his crib. He went to bed and so did Ciarrah around 8pm and Cooper slept til 5am and ate and went back to sleep. Ciarrah slept til around 9am. So really I had a great night sleep. Well except for my 3am phone call from Iraq that I get every night.
Speaking of Iraq. Michael is doing as well as can be expected. He actually today had to start doing missions. But they are only 5 hours long and only 6 days a week. So its better than last time he was there. Which I'm happy about. We get to talk everyday by using Skype and the web cam which is awesome, and its so cheap for him to. It costs us like 6 dollars a month for unlimited calling, and he has voicemail so we can call him whenever we want even if hes not there we can still leave a message. Hooray! Today he got my care package that I sent to him on the 6Th. I'm so impressed with the postal service, because he said it took him 2 weeks or longer last time to get packages. But he was so excited. Cause that meant he got sheets and a blankey since hes been using a sleeping bag. He also said that he made all the guys in his room jealous. Cause when I sent the box, I doused it in perfume. He said that you really could smell, it so now his room smells like a woman was there lol. He says every time someone walks by his bunk he asks them if they want to smell his box lol. I'm so happy that I made his day. lol.
I guess that's really all the news right now other than its freezing cold. I'm ready to be heading back to Texas where its warm.
We'll I hope everyone has a great day and rest of the week.
If anyone has any ideas on how to make cookies stay fresh for a weeks journey to Iraq I'm all ears!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
5 Days Down
Well tomorrow will mark our 5 days of potty training. We have had some good days and bad days. But we're getting through it. Its a hard process, though. I wish I would have stuck to this along time ago and maybe it wouldnt be so hard.
Tuesday was a bad day. Ciarrah didnt potty in the potty at all. Then Wednesday, was another bad day, she only pottyed a few times. I had a break down that day. I was frustrated and well ended up having a melt down on the webcam with my husband. I know wasnt a good thing on my part, but he caught me a rough point in the day, and we'll I couldnt hide what was going on cause he knows me too well. So he saw my melt down. Then I called my mother-in-law and asked her if she could help me out, cause I didnt know what I was doing wrong.
Today was a great day for Ciarrah. My mother-in-law took her all day she was going to keep her over night but then she got called into work. But she had her from 9 am til 4pm. She didnt potty in her pants all day. When I picked her up she was doing good. She didnt potty at all in her pants at all tonight and went everytime she needed to go potty in the potty. She even started telling me she had to go potty. HOORAY for her. This morning she woke up dry, lets hope for another good night. I hope tomorrow goes well too. I know not to expect it to, but I can only hope.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Wish me luck!!
Tuesday was a bad day. Ciarrah didnt potty in the potty at all. Then Wednesday, was another bad day, she only pottyed a few times. I had a break down that day. I was frustrated and well ended up having a melt down on the webcam with my husband. I know wasnt a good thing on my part, but he caught me a rough point in the day, and we'll I couldnt hide what was going on cause he knows me too well. So he saw my melt down. Then I called my mother-in-law and asked her if she could help me out, cause I didnt know what I was doing wrong.
Today was a great day for Ciarrah. My mother-in-law took her all day she was going to keep her over night but then she got called into work. But she had her from 9 am til 4pm. She didnt potty in her pants all day. When I picked her up she was doing good. She didnt potty at all in her pants at all tonight and went everytime she needed to go potty in the potty. She even started telling me she had to go potty. HOORAY for her. This morning she woke up dry, lets hope for another good night. I hope tomorrow goes well too. I know not to expect it to, but I can only hope.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Wish me luck!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
One Day In...And Its Going Good
Today we decided to go ahead and potty train Ciarrah. Well things are going really well. We started once we got up this morning. I let her pick out the big girl undies she wanted to wear today and off we started. Every hour on the hour I take her to the potty. And I think everytime I have taking her she has gone potty. We are so proud of her. We did have one accident, and it was kind of my fault, I really had to go to the post office and mail Michael his box, so well it is very cold outside and I think the cold made her go potty, she told me once she did it though, so I believe it was kind of my fault.
On to other happy news. Michael now has internet in his room. He got it on Saturday, and since then we have been talking alot now. We also both have webcams, and well he gets to see the kids everyday so far. I know this means the world to him. I can see it in his eyes. Im so happy that I get to see him, I feel that it makes my day go by so much better and faster.
He was telling me about on of the guys in his unit, went out on their first mission yesterday and their truck got hit by an IED or IUD, I cant remember what they are called, but nothin happened to his truck it just made a little noise and that was it. Since they have M-wraps now the men and women over there are alot safer. So it makes me feel alot better about being over there, I mean I dont want him there, but I have no choice at least I know hes alot safer.
Cooper, is still doing alot of spitting. But everyone says there is nothing wrong with him. So we are taking it one day at a time.
Well that is everything for now. Hope everyone has a great week.
On to other happy news. Michael now has internet in his room. He got it on Saturday, and since then we have been talking alot now. We also both have webcams, and well he gets to see the kids everyday so far. I know this means the world to him. I can see it in his eyes. Im so happy that I get to see him, I feel that it makes my day go by so much better and faster.
He was telling me about on of the guys in his unit, went out on their first mission yesterday and their truck got hit by an IED or IUD, I cant remember what they are called, but nothin happened to his truck it just made a little noise and that was it. Since they have M-wraps now the men and women over there are alot safer. So it makes me feel alot better about being over there, I mean I dont want him there, but I have no choice at least I know hes alot safer.
Cooper, is still doing alot of spitting. But everyone says there is nothing wrong with him. So we are taking it one day at a time.
Well that is everything for now. Hope everyone has a great week.
Friday, January 2, 2009
We're Back At It Again....
Since we changed Cooper's formula, he hasnt stopped spitting up. I wouldnt be so worried so but everytime he does it looks like its half of his bottle. He screams and screams til he spits up, then he's quiet for awhile and then he does it again for like an hour or longer. So today my mother-in-law took him to the doctor since she works there and all. Well the doctor ordered another ultrasound for tomorrow morning. They said he has MSPI, so we have to wait for him to poop then ill take in the sample for them to test. Then the doctor said he can eat every 2 hours but only allowed to eat 2-3 ounces. How in the world am I suppose to feed my chunky monkey only that much he throws a big fit when you take his food away. But the doctor played if off like there is nothing wrong with him. My mother in law and I are not very happy, but what can we do. So as of tomorrow we'll go back in for another ultrasound and go from there. My poor little guy. Although he does weigh 9 lbs. 9 oz. hes my chunky monkey lol. Thats all for now.
Hope everyone had a good New Years.
Hope everyone had a good New Years.
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