I have been waiting 11 1/2 months for him to come home. And well today he finally does. He will be here at 430pm. I am so excited. Ciarrah is too! She can't wait to see daddy. We have done alot to get ready for him. We have a driveway lined of flags and a big sign on the house! I am going stir crazy waiting, but it is almost over now! A friend of mine is going with us, so she is taking pictures! I am so excited. Well I need to finish cleaning. Pictures to come sometime soon!!
Hope everyone has a great week.
Love ya!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
As most of you know...
...what has happened down here on Thursday. It was a crazy day for all involved. I am very thankful a friend called me and told me I needed to leave post if I wanted off. At the time I had no idea what was going on. I had been watching a movie that afternoon and Cooper was napping. When she called, I about fell over, I was extremely scared. She had told me that it was at the PX, which is maybe 1 1/2 miles from my house. Then I just got everything, and left my house, headed to school to pick up Ciarrah.
After pickup I went to my Jess' house. Where we continued to watch what was going on. It wasn't til about 7pm I had heard that they were letting people back on, so I packed up the kids and headed out. We sat at a stand-still for almost an hour and a half. Then finally we got moving.
That is when I saw something that I have never seen except in pictures. There were at least 5 humvees and a lot of soldiers weapons in hand standing at the gate. I almost lost it. As soon as I got through the gate I called me mom. Begging her to calm me down. I couldn't believe what I had just seen, we are in American on an army post, I would have expected to see that in a foreign country, but not were I live.
That next day we didn't leave the house. I was pretty scared to leave the house. After what had happened the day before, I didn't feel safe. I know everyone was doing everything they could to keep everyone safe, but I didn't matter.
As Sunday rolled around I decided to leave the house. So I was driving on the highway, past the on-post, off-post housing and then I saw soldiers with weapons and humvees at every exit/entrance. It caught me off guard.
Then as Monday rolled around, I drove by an on-post school, and I saw 2 or 3 soldiers with weapons standing at the entrance of the school. That frightened me. I mean how in the world are you going to explain to a very young child what is going on. I am thankful that Ciarrah didn't have to see that. I couldn't even imagine how I would be able to explain to my 4 year old, why a man with a gun is standing at her school, and to get her to believe me, yah right.
Obviously things have changed down here. Which is a good thing when something like this happens. You see it on the tv, but you never expect it be this close to home.
Although I was grateful Michael was not home yet, because he could have been where the man was shooting people. That is where they do all of their stuff to get them up to date with everything upon their return. But Michael will be home in just a few weeks. He is scheduled to leave Iraq on Cooper's 1st birthday, then it will only be a matter of days til he is home again.
Other than the incident last week, we are hanging on, barely some days. I can't wait til he is home with us again.
I hope everyone has a great week!!
After pickup I went to my Jess' house. Where we continued to watch what was going on. It wasn't til about 7pm I had heard that they were letting people back on, so I packed up the kids and headed out. We sat at a stand-still for almost an hour and a half. Then finally we got moving.
That is when I saw something that I have never seen except in pictures. There were at least 5 humvees and a lot of soldiers weapons in hand standing at the gate. I almost lost it. As soon as I got through the gate I called me mom. Begging her to calm me down. I couldn't believe what I had just seen, we are in American on an army post, I would have expected to see that in a foreign country, but not were I live.
That next day we didn't leave the house. I was pretty scared to leave the house. After what had happened the day before, I didn't feel safe. I know everyone was doing everything they could to keep everyone safe, but I didn't matter.
As Sunday rolled around I decided to leave the house. So I was driving on the highway, past the on-post, off-post housing and then I saw soldiers with weapons and humvees at every exit/entrance. It caught me off guard.
Then as Monday rolled around, I drove by an on-post school, and I saw 2 or 3 soldiers with weapons standing at the entrance of the school. That frightened me. I mean how in the world are you going to explain to a very young child what is going on. I am thankful that Ciarrah didn't have to see that. I couldn't even imagine how I would be able to explain to my 4 year old, why a man with a gun is standing at her school, and to get her to believe me, yah right.
Obviously things have changed down here. Which is a good thing when something like this happens. You see it on the tv, but you never expect it be this close to home.
Although I was grateful Michael was not home yet, because he could have been where the man was shooting people. That is where they do all of their stuff to get them up to date with everything upon their return. But Michael will be home in just a few weeks. He is scheduled to leave Iraq on Cooper's 1st birthday, then it will only be a matter of days til he is home again.
Other than the incident last week, we are hanging on, barely some days. I can't wait til he is home with us again.
I hope everyone has a great week!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Quick Wrap Up
Things have been very busy around here the last month or so.
We are gearing up for Michael's return to us, in just a few weeks. Ciarrah is getting more and more excited all the time, she knows he is coming home. Cooper doesn't seem to really notice the change, at least I don't think he does. We have recently been told that we can't bring signs or banners welcoming home the guys to the parade field. We can't even bring balloons. I understand that people can't see behind people that have the signs, but when you have hundreds and hundreds of family members coming to see them home, you want your solider to be able to find you. Thank goodness, I send Michael a cellphone, so he can call me as soon as he gets there. He is going to call me once he lands in the states, just so I am positive that he really is there. Because we have heard that sometimes the FRG leaders and the Rear D are not always correct on when they are here. So I don't want to go up there and them not come in, cause that would devastate our daughter!
Since I have posted last, we did Ciarrah's birthday, which was alot of fun. Got Ciarrah's ear's pierced. She was a real trooper didn't even cry. I have had a birthday, oh hooray. We have been making some homemade Christmas ornaments with my friend Jes. She has been really helpful the last few months, I think we have kept each other sane. Her husband just got home last week, so I haven't talked to her much, cause I don't want to bug them.
I have realized that Cooper is very demanding the last few weeks. If he doesn't have what he wants he throws a fit. He has decided that he wants to bite and hit now. He still has no ambition to walk. He will stand up alone, but won't walk without holding on to anything. He has decided that he would rather eat baby food forever. I have tried and tried and tried with no success to get him to eat food from the table, but he won't touch it. I have tried everything even things that I was sure he would like, such as chicken nuggets and fries. Won't touch it. He does like to eat dry Kix and animal crackers. He won't even feed himself. I have given him a fork and spoon with luck. So I guess we will just to stick to baby food, maybe someday soon, he'll want to eat real food, I hope.
Ciarrah is loving school. She loves to hang out with friends at school. Her best friend Haidyn, is so much fun, they are so much alike as well. Haidyn's mom and I have been really good friends as well. We keep each other sane some days, I think. It is still hard to believe that Ciarrah is 4. Today, is the first day she has missed school. She woke up with her eyes matted shut, so we are off to the doctor, just to make sure it isn't anything to worry about. So much for perfect attendance, darn it.
I guess that is a real quick wrap up of what is going on. Michael will be here for Thanksgiving which is nice to hear. My parents will be in Texas at my stepdad dad's house on the border for Thanksgiving, but on their way back home they are stopping by to see us. So we shall have a busy few weeks soon. I can't wait. Hope everyone is well!!
We are gearing up for Michael's return to us, in just a few weeks. Ciarrah is getting more and more excited all the time, she knows he is coming home. Cooper doesn't seem to really notice the change, at least I don't think he does. We have recently been told that we can't bring signs or banners welcoming home the guys to the parade field. We can't even bring balloons. I understand that people can't see behind people that have the signs, but when you have hundreds and hundreds of family members coming to see them home, you want your solider to be able to find you. Thank goodness, I send Michael a cellphone, so he can call me as soon as he gets there. He is going to call me once he lands in the states, just so I am positive that he really is there. Because we have heard that sometimes the FRG leaders and the Rear D are not always correct on when they are here. So I don't want to go up there and them not come in, cause that would devastate our daughter!
Since I have posted last, we did Ciarrah's birthday, which was alot of fun. Got Ciarrah's ear's pierced. She was a real trooper didn't even cry. I have had a birthday, oh hooray. We have been making some homemade Christmas ornaments with my friend Jes. She has been really helpful the last few months, I think we have kept each other sane. Her husband just got home last week, so I haven't talked to her much, cause I don't want to bug them.
I have realized that Cooper is very demanding the last few weeks. If he doesn't have what he wants he throws a fit. He has decided that he wants to bite and hit now. He still has no ambition to walk. He will stand up alone, but won't walk without holding on to anything. He has decided that he would rather eat baby food forever. I have tried and tried and tried with no success to get him to eat food from the table, but he won't touch it. I have tried everything even things that I was sure he would like, such as chicken nuggets and fries. Won't touch it. He does like to eat dry Kix and animal crackers. He won't even feed himself. I have given him a fork and spoon with luck. So I guess we will just to stick to baby food, maybe someday soon, he'll want to eat real food, I hope.
Ciarrah is loving school. She loves to hang out with friends at school. Her best friend Haidyn, is so much fun, they are so much alike as well. Haidyn's mom and I have been really good friends as well. We keep each other sane some days, I think. It is still hard to believe that Ciarrah is 4. Today, is the first day she has missed school. She woke up with her eyes matted shut, so we are off to the doctor, just to make sure it isn't anything to worry about. So much for perfect attendance, darn it.
I guess that is a real quick wrap up of what is going on. Michael will be here for Thanksgiving which is nice to hear. My parents will be in Texas at my stepdad dad's house on the border for Thanksgiving, but on their way back home they are stopping by to see us. So we shall have a busy few weeks soon. I can't wait. Hope everyone is well!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Ciarrah
Sunday, September 20, 2009
An Controversial Topic at My House
In our house hold the last few weeks has been that of religion. It really hasn't been anything to deal with, but I recently have decided that I have wanted to start going back to church. Michael while in Iraq has been going as much as he can every Sunday to Catholic service.
Which started our "decision" on the topic. Michael is roman catholic and I am Lutheran which are quite different. Michael refuses to go to any church except a Catholic church, and so that means if I really want to go to church I either have to suck it up and go alone or I have to go to a Catholic one. On top of this, I have never been to any other type of church service but Lutheran, so all I really know about Catholic's are what you hear or what you see on tv.
Well today I went to my first Catholic church service. As I was sitting there, I realized that this service wasn't much different than the services of a Lutheran one. I guess I should give ya a little insight as to why this is.
My new friend whom I met at Ciarrah's school, is catholic. She invited me to her induction ceremony into the Daughter's of the King this morning, so I decided to go. Well her church is called St. Christopher's Episcopal Church. This church was very welcoming. It felt very good to be there. The Father seems to be a very nice man. After he found out that I was new to the congregation this morning, he made it a point, to make sure everyone else did too. I didn't realize how much I really missed going to church until I was there today. After going I felt so much better. Not sure if that makes sense, but it does to me. I have not stepped foot in a church in a long time, way to long and I regret that, but that is all going to change now. I did cry during the service, everyone did. Because we are a miltary town, the Father asks for anyone who is deploying or on r&r to come up. Well a man was getting ready to deploy and well I guess it just hits home, but I thankful that Michael will be home in 2 months, and we will be all done with this deployment for a year or so.
The Father after church was talking to me and was asking some questions about where I went to church. I told him and he asked me what type of Lutheran I was and I told him. He told me the Episcopal's and ELCA's are basically like kissing cousins. I thought that was a pretty funny thing for a Father to say, but I guess he was basically telling me that, they are so closely related that there really isn't much of a difference.
I have decided that we are going to continue to attend this church. For a few reasons
1) It is Catholic
2) It is sooo close to a Lutheran service
3) Everyone there seems very welcoming
4) Ciarrah and Cooper did really well in the nursery/sunday school
I hope everyone has a great week! Tomorrow my new friend and I are heading to they gym every morning! I need to start working out!!
Which started our "decision" on the topic. Michael is roman catholic and I am Lutheran which are quite different. Michael refuses to go to any church except a Catholic church, and so that means if I really want to go to church I either have to suck it up and go alone or I have to go to a Catholic one. On top of this, I have never been to any other type of church service but Lutheran, so all I really know about Catholic's are what you hear or what you see on tv.
Well today I went to my first Catholic church service. As I was sitting there, I realized that this service wasn't much different than the services of a Lutheran one. I guess I should give ya a little insight as to why this is.
My new friend whom I met at Ciarrah's school, is catholic. She invited me to her induction ceremony into the Daughter's of the King this morning, so I decided to go. Well her church is called St. Christopher's Episcopal Church. This church was very welcoming. It felt very good to be there. The Father seems to be a very nice man. After he found out that I was new to the congregation this morning, he made it a point, to make sure everyone else did too. I didn't realize how much I really missed going to church until I was there today. After going I felt so much better. Not sure if that makes sense, but it does to me. I have not stepped foot in a church in a long time, way to long and I regret that, but that is all going to change now. I did cry during the service, everyone did. Because we are a miltary town, the Father asks for anyone who is deploying or on r&r to come up. Well a man was getting ready to deploy and well I guess it just hits home, but I thankful that Michael will be home in 2 months, and we will be all done with this deployment for a year or so.
The Father after church was talking to me and was asking some questions about where I went to church. I told him and he asked me what type of Lutheran I was and I told him. He told me the Episcopal's and ELCA's are basically like kissing cousins. I thought that was a pretty funny thing for a Father to say, but I guess he was basically telling me that, they are so closely related that there really isn't much of a difference.
I have decided that we are going to continue to attend this church. For a few reasons
1) It is Catholic
2) It is sooo close to a Lutheran service
3) Everyone there seems very welcoming
4) Ciarrah and Cooper did really well in the nursery/sunday school
I hope everyone has a great week! Tomorrow my new friend and I are heading to they gym every morning! I need to start working out!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Kid's Little Photo Shoot
I just wanted to share the many pictures from the mini photo shoot we had today. It was a lot of fun. Ciarrah wasn't sure at first, mostly because it was a man taking pictures. She has a thing with guys in general, so this was hard, but Cooper went first and then she was more than willing to smile for the camera. Hope everyone is good and the week is going well!!
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Photo Shoot |
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Catching Up
It has been a while since I last blogged. It has been super busy around here again.
Ciarrah got her first ever SAD face at school on Tuesday. She was hitting, not following directions, not resting during rest time, the list goes on....I was very saddened when I heard about this. I asked her why she had such a rough day, she tells me she misses her daddy. For about the last week, all she does is cry and whin for him. It breaks my heart. His too when I tell him about it. So we are letting her talk to him as much as possible. At least he'll be home in 2 1/2 months so that is good news!
I have been busy planning our vacation when Michael comes home. We have about 4,000 miles to cover round trip in about 2 weeks, that shall be fun. We are leaving the 22nd at like 2am and heading straight to Nebraska. Staying there a few days, then going up to Virginia to see grandma and everyone up there. Then we are going to North Carolina to see his mom and sister. All the while, we have to be back home by the 2nd of January, cause Ciarrah goes back to school on the 4th. It is going to be fun driving in the car with a toddler and a 4 year old. I hope all goes well. We are driving straight through no overnight stopping. There are 2 adults we can both drive and sleep. I do not like stopping lol.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Ciarrah got her first ever SAD face at school on Tuesday. She was hitting, not following directions, not resting during rest time, the list goes on....I was very saddened when I heard about this. I asked her why she had such a rough day, she tells me she misses her daddy. For about the last week, all she does is cry and whin for him. It breaks my heart. His too when I tell him about it. So we are letting her talk to him as much as possible. At least he'll be home in 2 1/2 months so that is good news!
I have been busy planning our vacation when Michael comes home. We have about 4,000 miles to cover round trip in about 2 weeks, that shall be fun. We are leaving the 22nd at like 2am and heading straight to Nebraska. Staying there a few days, then going up to Virginia to see grandma and everyone up there. Then we are going to North Carolina to see his mom and sister. All the while, we have to be back home by the 2nd of January, cause Ciarrah goes back to school on the 4th. It is going to be fun driving in the car with a toddler and a 4 year old. I hope all goes well. We are driving straight through no overnight stopping. There are 2 adults we can both drive and sleep. I do not like stopping lol.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monday, August 24, 2009
As most of you know, Ciarrah started her 1st day of pre-k this morning. It went well when we woke up at 6am without any problems. She ate her breakfast of sausage, waffles and oj. She got her self dressed. Watched a little Blue's Clues, then we headed out the door for school. She was very excited to go to school.
We get to school and she is doing just fine. We walk down to the room and we put her stuff in her cubby and put her snack where it goes and her folder. Then I tell her, "Give mommy a hug, its time for mommy to go." Then all hell broke lose. She started crying and crying. She kept saying that I had to stay there. I tried to get her to come play with me with other kids, but that didn't work. Then she clings on to my leg, and then I was like oh no. Well I got her to let go and she just sat on the floor, not crying just pouting. So I told the teacher I was going to go. She could not see me leave.
As I was walking down the hall way, I felt tears fall. It was sad watching my baby girl cry because I had to leave her. I have left her at daycare numerous times and I have never cried, not even when she was a baby. I guess part of my emotions are because she wanted her daddy to be here this morning so bad, she saw other daddies in uniform and I think that is what made her even more sad.
Cooper and I have a great day. We went shopping got some clothes and then we went to the commissary for some groceries. We made it home just in time for him to nap for about 45 minutes before we had to leave. We left to get here, her school gets out at 245 and well let me tell you what this school has so many kids the parking lot was full. We have to walk up to the building show them id, before we can take our child. I really like this. I feel that at least I know my child is not going to leave with anyone they are not suppose to.
When we were leaving I asked her if she had a good day. She didn't answer me. As we got back to the car, daddy called. He wanted to talk to Ciarrah and ask about her day. Well she didn't want to talk about her day and then she didn't want to talk to her daddy. She always wants to talk to him, so that is when you know that something is bugging her. As the night drew on, she started talking more about her day. That she colored and ate snack. She took a nap and so on.
I think all in all, she had an okay day. She just has alot of emotions going on for my 4 year old. So we will see how tomorrow goes. She did go to bed tonight pretty easy so that is a plus. Cooper and Ciarrah have both been in bed since 8pm. That is a nice change, I finally have some peace and quiet and time for me to write my blog.
I also have updated the August picture album with more pics so check them out as well. Hope everyone has a great week and I hope we do too!!
We get to school and she is doing just fine. We walk down to the room and we put her stuff in her cubby and put her snack where it goes and her folder. Then I tell her, "Give mommy a hug, its time for mommy to go." Then all hell broke lose. She started crying and crying. She kept saying that I had to stay there. I tried to get her to come play with me with other kids, but that didn't work. Then she clings on to my leg, and then I was like oh no. Well I got her to let go and she just sat on the floor, not crying just pouting. So I told the teacher I was going to go. She could not see me leave.
As I was walking down the hall way, I felt tears fall. It was sad watching my baby girl cry because I had to leave her. I have left her at daycare numerous times and I have never cried, not even when she was a baby. I guess part of my emotions are because she wanted her daddy to be here this morning so bad, she saw other daddies in uniform and I think that is what made her even more sad.
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First Day of Pre-K |
Cooper and I have a great day. We went shopping got some clothes and then we went to the commissary for some groceries. We made it home just in time for him to nap for about 45 minutes before we had to leave. We left to get here, her school gets out at 245 and well let me tell you what this school has so many kids the parking lot was full. We have to walk up to the building show them id, before we can take our child. I really like this. I feel that at least I know my child is not going to leave with anyone they are not suppose to.
When we were leaving I asked her if she had a good day. She didn't answer me. As we got back to the car, daddy called. He wanted to talk to Ciarrah and ask about her day. Well she didn't want to talk about her day and then she didn't want to talk to her daddy. She always wants to talk to him, so that is when you know that something is bugging her. As the night drew on, she started talking more about her day. That she colored and ate snack. She took a nap and so on.
I think all in all, she had an okay day. She just has alot of emotions going on for my 4 year old. So we will see how tomorrow goes. She did go to bed tonight pretty easy so that is a plus. Cooper and Ciarrah have both been in bed since 8pm. That is a nice change, I finally have some peace and quiet and time for me to write my blog.
I also have updated the August picture album with more pics so check them out as well. Hope everyone has a great week and I hope we do too!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
We have been so busy this week. I can't believe that is already Wednesday night.
Ciarrah starts school at 730 Monday morning. We have been getting everything ready for her to start school. She is more than excited. We have been making doctor appointments and making sure they both are up to date on shots and all that fun stuff.
I on the other hand have been having some wonderful problems of my own. Last week I went into the walk-in clinic, at my doctors office for a migraine that I have had for days. They give me some medication and give me a referral for a neurologist. While they were performing there routine exam the doctor pushed on a part of my abdomen and it hurt so bad it brought tears to my eyes. It has been a little painful, but nothing that painful. So they have ordered an ultrasound for next week, but I am not understanding what they are looking for mostly because the pain was in the upper part of my abdomen, but they doctor is doing a pelvic ultrasound and I have to go to the women's clinic. I would have assumed that I would be going to a radiology department to have it done, but for some reason I am heading over to the women's clinic. So I am guessing that maybe this doctor thinks it has something to do with when my tubes were tied, but I have no idea. I am stuck wondering what the heck is going on. I hate waiting.
In the army we have to hurry up and wait and now I have to hurry up and wait. At least I get be seen at the civilian hospital by civilian doctors thank goodness!!
That is all that is really going on here. We are heading down to Austin on Saturday to see Brenna and family, and we are excited. Hope everyone has a great week.
Ciarrah starts school at 730 Monday morning. We have been getting everything ready for her to start school. She is more than excited. We have been making doctor appointments and making sure they both are up to date on shots and all that fun stuff.
I on the other hand have been having some wonderful problems of my own. Last week I went into the walk-in clinic, at my doctors office for a migraine that I have had for days. They give me some medication and give me a referral for a neurologist. While they were performing there routine exam the doctor pushed on a part of my abdomen and it hurt so bad it brought tears to my eyes. It has been a little painful, but nothing that painful. So they have ordered an ultrasound for next week, but I am not understanding what they are looking for mostly because the pain was in the upper part of my abdomen, but they doctor is doing a pelvic ultrasound and I have to go to the women's clinic. I would have assumed that I would be going to a radiology department to have it done, but for some reason I am heading over to the women's clinic. So I am guessing that maybe this doctor thinks it has something to do with when my tubes were tied, but I have no idea. I am stuck wondering what the heck is going on. I hate waiting.
In the army we have to hurry up and wait and now I have to hurry up and wait. At least I get be seen at the civilian hospital by civilian doctors thank goodness!!
That is all that is really going on here. We are heading down to Austin on Saturday to see Brenna and family, and we are excited. Hope everyone has a great week.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I Know I Know...
...I am a bad blogger. We have been super busy the last few weeks.
We having been hanging alot with our neighbors. They are really great. We have been taking turns watching each others kids. Which is really nice to be able to do. Both sets of neighbors have kids about the same age as Ciarrah and Cooper. It really is nice. Although Cooper is the only boy. We have been doing alot of play times. We usually end up at their house, which is in the next house over. We just let the kids hang out and play and us girls talk. Nae Nae's husband is deployed, Nikki's husband is home, but they are getting out of the army in about 8 months. The kids really have fun together and that is all that matters.
Ciarrah is getting ready to go to school on the 24th of this month. She is pretty excited. We were put on a waiting list, cause we went to register a day late and they said that she might not get to go to school. But they called us last Thursday and she is going to school. We have meet the teacher night on the 20th. I am not sure how the first day of school is going to be. I am sure I will be a basket case lol. Down here the pre-K program is state-funded, so she will be going to school from 745 to 315, Monday thru Friday. I am excited and sad. My baby is getting so big. She will be 4 next month.
Cooper is getting to be a handful. He has found out that the stairs are fun to climb. I was in the bathroom one day and I couldnt find him anywhere low and behold he was on the 3rd step, standing there smiling at me. Now we have a babygate at the top, bottom and in the kitchen to get to the stairs. He is now walking with toys. I can see it soon he will be walking. He said da da for the first time yesterday, it almost made my cry. He also says ba ba and sssss. It is so cute. I wish Michael could see all this.
We are only 3 1/2 months from him coming home, and we are so excited. I am starting to get things ready for his homecoming. There is a website that does free banners to soliders families, so I am in the process of ordering one of those. It is going to hang on the house when he comes, with the help of the neighbors lol. My sis-law gave me a great idea for shirts for the kids. She told to me get white t-shirts and write welcome home daddy or something like that on them in paint, and then let them finger paint the rest of the shirt. I think that he will really love that. So that is my plan to do for shirts!! We are going to tie balloons to the kids the day he comes home, only because we will be at a field of about 300+ soliders coming home AND all of their families, so we want him to see us.
We are anticipating a move to Ft Riley, KS. This is not our first choice, but we would like him to stateside for a while so this is why we are heading there. We really wanted to be in Georgia, but he was told if he goes there he will be deploying right away again. I am not sure how I feel about this move. We will be 3 hours from our parents which will be nice. A nice short drive for everyone to visit, and that means that we can take the kids down for the weekend and have some alone time. Something that we would not have if we stay here or move farther away. So for many reasons this feels like the best choice for us. He is calling tomorrow or the next day to talk to Branch and get his orders switch with another guy who is leaving the army in May. This guys report date is March. So we will be in Texas 3 months before we have to move. I have been talking to women in all of the units that Michael could be placed in, and 2 of them are due to be home when we report and the other one is leaving this month. So if we do get to go there we know he will at least be home til Spring of 2011. Although Ft Riley doesnt deploy every year, they deploy about every 3 years, so that is what we are hoping for. That would be nice.
That is all that is really going on around here. We are doing well. Hoping to come down and see Brenna, Ed and Hunter soon.
Hope everyone has a great week!!
We having been hanging alot with our neighbors. They are really great. We have been taking turns watching each others kids. Which is really nice to be able to do. Both sets of neighbors have kids about the same age as Ciarrah and Cooper. It really is nice. Although Cooper is the only boy. We have been doing alot of play times. We usually end up at their house, which is in the next house over. We just let the kids hang out and play and us girls talk. Nae Nae's husband is deployed, Nikki's husband is home, but they are getting out of the army in about 8 months. The kids really have fun together and that is all that matters.
Ciarrah is getting ready to go to school on the 24th of this month. She is pretty excited. We were put on a waiting list, cause we went to register a day late and they said that she might not get to go to school. But they called us last Thursday and she is going to school. We have meet the teacher night on the 20th. I am not sure how the first day of school is going to be. I am sure I will be a basket case lol. Down here the pre-K program is state-funded, so she will be going to school from 745 to 315, Monday thru Friday. I am excited and sad. My baby is getting so big. She will be 4 next month.
Cooper is getting to be a handful. He has found out that the stairs are fun to climb. I was in the bathroom one day and I couldnt find him anywhere low and behold he was on the 3rd step, standing there smiling at me. Now we have a babygate at the top, bottom and in the kitchen to get to the stairs. He is now walking with toys. I can see it soon he will be walking. He said da da for the first time yesterday, it almost made my cry. He also says ba ba and sssss. It is so cute. I wish Michael could see all this.
We are only 3 1/2 months from him coming home, and we are so excited. I am starting to get things ready for his homecoming. There is a website that does free banners to soliders families, so I am in the process of ordering one of those. It is going to hang on the house when he comes, with the help of the neighbors lol. My sis-law gave me a great idea for shirts for the kids. She told to me get white t-shirts and write welcome home daddy or something like that on them in paint, and then let them finger paint the rest of the shirt. I think that he will really love that. So that is my plan to do for shirts!! We are going to tie balloons to the kids the day he comes home, only because we will be at a field of about 300+ soliders coming home AND all of their families, so we want him to see us.
We are anticipating a move to Ft Riley, KS. This is not our first choice, but we would like him to stateside for a while so this is why we are heading there. We really wanted to be in Georgia, but he was told if he goes there he will be deploying right away again. I am not sure how I feel about this move. We will be 3 hours from our parents which will be nice. A nice short drive for everyone to visit, and that means that we can take the kids down for the weekend and have some alone time. Something that we would not have if we stay here or move farther away. So for many reasons this feels like the best choice for us. He is calling tomorrow or the next day to talk to Branch and get his orders switch with another guy who is leaving the army in May. This guys report date is March. So we will be in Texas 3 months before we have to move. I have been talking to women in all of the units that Michael could be placed in, and 2 of them are due to be home when we report and the other one is leaving this month. So if we do get to go there we know he will at least be home til Spring of 2011. Although Ft Riley doesnt deploy every year, they deploy about every 3 years, so that is what we are hoping for. That would be nice.
That is all that is really going on around here. We are doing well. Hoping to come down and see Brenna, Ed and Hunter soon.
Hope everyone has a great week!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
New House
Well we have been here almost a week. My house is totally unpacked and it is as if we have always lived her. We were completely unpacked by Saturday night. The movers came on Thursday, it only costed us $500 for that move. Then on Friday my parents came down with the rest of our stuff. By Sunday afternoon I had pictures on the walls and the satellite was installed and we were very happy to see "real" tv. I was tired of watching Scooby Doo the movie, 8 times a day lol. We have a bunch of movies, but that is Ciarrah's favorite.
As for our new house, I absolutely love it. It is very big. I am not sure what to do with the dining room, that is my big mystery. We have soooo much space in there, since we only have a dining room table. I told Michael I want a china hutch, then maybe it will look a little better. Right now the dining room is also our toy area, so toys aren't upstairs in the bedrooms. Everything else is perfect. In our bedroom we have a huge walk in closet and well my husband has more clothes than I do. I see that as a problem, being that he has maybe worn half of them a few times. Many of them still have tags on them. Although he bought them last January, so I guess that is okay to still have tags on them, since he doesnt wear civilan clothes a lot.
Today, I went and got Ciarrah a twin sized bed, and Cooper a new dresser and now we are complete with furniture. I decided that it was time for Ciarrah to get a bigger bed, I mean yes she could still sleep fine in her toddler bed, but since she will be starting school soon, she can have a big girl bed. Plus her room is big, and her toddler bed and dresser were all that is in there, so it looked pretty big with lots of room. Now that she has a bigger bed it looks alot better in there. At least she will be set for many years to come now. Maybe a nightstand in the future!!
I am very happy to be back in Texas. I mean yes I do miss my family in Nebraska, but I am very happy to be back in my own house. And now we are counting down the days til Michael comes home. We are down to about 4 months. I am so very happy. I can't wait to see him. And I can't wait for the kids to see him again, it will be 7 months by the time he comes home since we have seen him. But that is for another post.
I hope everyone has a great week. We still have quite a bit of stuff to do this week. In the coming weeks we are planning a trip to Louisiana, to see my best friend Ashley!!!
I leave you with pictures of our new house!!
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New House |
Monday, July 20, 2009
Tomorrow is the Day
Tomorrow is the day we start our journey down south....
I am very excited and nervous. I can't wait to be back in my own house with my own stuff again. I know it will be a hard first few weeks, but we will be okay after we get adjusted again. I am so excited.
Our house is in the older on-post housing, but it is a nice house. It is a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom house with a carport, well to me, it looks like a garage without the garage door!! It is 2 stories. The kitchen is huge. It is a eat-in kitchen. There is a dining room and living room on the main floor. A bathroom and a laundry room complete the downstairs. Upstairs we have 3 bedrooms. A big closet and a bathroom for the kids. In our bedroom there is also a bathroom with a big closet! We also have a fenced in back yard. I am so excited to get down there and see it all. We get to live on a culdasac, and there are only 4 houses on the street. Although since they are all duplexes, I guess that means there are actually 8 families total, but that isn't that bad.
Our movers are coming on Thursday to bring our stuff from storage and my parents are coming on Friday with the rest of my stuff.
Well I need to finish loading up the car. Once we get down there I will let everyone know and I will update with pictures!!
I am very excited and nervous. I can't wait to be back in my own house with my own stuff again. I know it will be a hard first few weeks, but we will be okay after we get adjusted again. I am so excited.
Our house is in the older on-post housing, but it is a nice house. It is a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom house with a carport, well to me, it looks like a garage without the garage door!! It is 2 stories. The kitchen is huge. It is a eat-in kitchen. There is a dining room and living room on the main floor. A bathroom and a laundry room complete the downstairs. Upstairs we have 3 bedrooms. A big closet and a bathroom for the kids. In our bedroom there is also a bathroom with a big closet! We also have a fenced in back yard. I am so excited to get down there and see it all. We get to live on a culdasac, and there are only 4 houses on the street. Although since they are all duplexes, I guess that means there are actually 8 families total, but that isn't that bad.
Our movers are coming on Thursday to bring our stuff from storage and my parents are coming on Friday with the rest of my stuff.
Well I need to finish loading up the car. Once we get down there I will let everyone know and I will update with pictures!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
JCF Days
If any of you have been around Fremont during the month of July within the last 22 years, you probably have heard about JCF days. It is always alot of fun. Lots of food, crafts, people and events for everyone. This year will probably be the last one we will get to attend for quite a while. It was alot of fun.

Ciarrah had a blast. She got to ride on the ponies, which she loves. This was a bitter sweet moment for me, as I didn't have to walk around with her like I have done in the past. I almost cried. My little girl is growing up so fast. Cooper slept almost the entire time we were down town, which is nothing new, once he is in the stroller, he seems to fall asleep. I only wish Ciarrah would do the same thing lol.
I got a horrible sun burn. I look like a raccoon. It hurts so bad. I forgot to put sun block on myself, I was worried about the kids and totally forgot about myself.
Sunday we had the parade, which was a lot fun. Ciarrah was very well behaved sat on the sidewalk and waited for the people to bring her candy. The ones that did throw candy, she waited til there wasnt anyone around so she did not get hit. They did pass out alot of popsicles this year which was great. I loved that and so did Ciarrah. Cooper slept most of the parade but enjoyed it. We had a bit of issue, being that Ciarrah's biological dad sat right behind us starring and watching Ciarrah the entire time, but she has no idea who he is, which made it even better for me. She said men and women in uniform and goes, "my daddy wears clothes like that." I thought it was cute. Usually when she sees ppl in uniform she will say my daddy my daddy. But she is getting better knowing that daddy is working.
We had a great weekend. I hope everyone else a great one too. We leave Nebraska in about 8 days or so, and we can't wait!

Ciarrah had a blast. She got to ride on the ponies, which she loves. This was a bitter sweet moment for me, as I didn't have to walk around with her like I have done in the past. I almost cried. My little girl is growing up so fast. Cooper slept almost the entire time we were down town, which is nothing new, once he is in the stroller, he seems to fall asleep. I only wish Ciarrah would do the same thing lol.
I got a horrible sun burn. I look like a raccoon. It hurts so bad. I forgot to put sun block on myself, I was worried about the kids and totally forgot about myself.
Sunday we had the parade, which was a lot fun. Ciarrah was very well behaved sat on the sidewalk and waited for the people to bring her candy. The ones that did throw candy, she waited til there wasnt anyone around so she did not get hit. They did pass out alot of popsicles this year which was great. I loved that and so did Ciarrah. Cooper slept most of the parade but enjoyed it. We had a bit of issue, being that Ciarrah's biological dad sat right behind us starring and watching Ciarrah the entire time, but she has no idea who he is, which made it even better for me. She said men and women in uniform and goes, "my daddy wears clothes like that." I thought it was cute. Usually when she sees ppl in uniform she will say my daddy my daddy. But she is getting better knowing that daddy is working.
We had a great weekend. I hope everyone else a great one too. We leave Nebraska in about 8 days or so, and we can't wait!
Monday, July 6, 2009

We had a great weekend. We spent the 4th of July at my great grandma Kotik's. It was a great time. It was just My parents, and us, my aunt and Krystal and her kids, and my grandma mcklem and great grandma, it was quiet but we all had a lot of fun. We enjoyed a BBQ and lit off fireworks. Both of my kids really enjoyed them. Cooper loved to look at them. Ciarrah just loved to run around, the child with way too much energy. All in all it was a good night.
Then the day after we went to the beach for a bit, then we decided that we wanted to hit up a local splash pad, so we went there and the kids and I had a blast. The water was FREEZING....so Cooper sat in his stroller and watched. While I carried around my cousins kid and Ciarrah ran like crazy. We had a great time getting all wet. It was cold and a lot of fun. We will definately be going back before we leave in 2 weeks. Although I am told that in our neighborhood there is a couple splash pads near by, so I really hope so, I love splash pads they are perfect for Ciarrah and me!!
We had a great weekend, I hope everyone else did as well.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My day began like this....

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Cooper is 7 months old
Cooper has turned 7 months old this weekend. He has been "army crawling" for about 2 months or so now. He is getting good at it. But this weekend, he has figured out to get up on all 4's. He has begun rockin' back n forth. It is quite cute. But now I am thinking that I am in big trouble. He is getting into everything already. He is moving all over the place. He is playing more and more with Ciarrah's toys, and she does not like it at all. She hates it when he touches any of her stuff. Although sometimes she will give him something to play with it is cute. He has decided that he wants to skip crawling and sitting and go straight to walking. He goes over to furniture and is trying to figure out how to pull himself up it is to cute. If you are letting him stand up, and he is near furniture he will reach out to the furniture and he will stand there. He can stand by himself. I keep telling him that he needs to wait a few months before he does any of that, but does he listen to mommy. NO. Cause apparently mommy doesn't know anything lol.
I leave you with a video of Cooper crawling...
I leave you with a video of Cooper crawling...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
...Random Thoughts...
I have been having lots of random thoughts lately so I thought I would share them with y'all.
*Cooper finally has been sleeping through the night. Without any help or doing anything different. Maybe the only thing we have been doing is we have been doing the exact same thing at the same time every night other than that, that is it. He sleeps 12 hours every night.
*We finally got our house, I am very excited, and very nervous. I am going to moving 1,000 miles away and the kids and I will be living alone for about the next 5 months.
*One of the guys Michael works with was looking at family pictures and said something like that Ciarrah has Michael smile. Now it is odd that he would say that cause considering that she isn't biologically his lots of people have noticed it as well. It's not like we tell people that she doesn't come from him, no one asks cause they just assume that she is his. Which is fine with me.
*Michael told me recently that when he comes home, we are having a BBQ for his entire Platoon, which is like 20 guys and their families, that is alot of people at my house. Now he has told me the number is down to about 10 guys and families, I am a little nervouse about that many people in my house at one time.
*I was driving back from Omaha the other day looking around and I realized just how boring and flat it really is here. I can't believe I have never noticed it before.
*Cooper FINALLY rolled over from his stomach to back today. He has been very lazy. The doctor told me that he could do this over a month ago and I am sure he could have, but he just seems to like to hang out and be lazy.
*Cooper still will not sit up on his own yet, I have no idea why.
*My mom tells me that Ciarrah is just like me and my brother, what I scary combination, she is like me because her feelings get hurt really easily and like my brother, in way too many ways to list, right now she likes to carry her smelly pee blankey around the house with her and she says it doesn't stink....
Okay I guess that is enough randomness for one day...It has been one of those weekends!!!
I have updated my photo albums on the side so check them out as well. Have a great week!!
*Cooper finally has been sleeping through the night. Without any help or doing anything different. Maybe the only thing we have been doing is we have been doing the exact same thing at the same time every night other than that, that is it. He sleeps 12 hours every night.
*We finally got our house, I am very excited, and very nervous. I am going to moving 1,000 miles away and the kids and I will be living alone for about the next 5 months.
*One of the guys Michael works with was looking at family pictures and said something like that Ciarrah has Michael smile. Now it is odd that he would say that cause considering that she isn't biologically his lots of people have noticed it as well. It's not like we tell people that she doesn't come from him, no one asks cause they just assume that she is his. Which is fine with me.
*Michael told me recently that when he comes home, we are having a BBQ for his entire Platoon, which is like 20 guys and their families, that is alot of people at my house. Now he has told me the number is down to about 10 guys and families, I am a little nervouse about that many people in my house at one time.
*I was driving back from Omaha the other day looking around and I realized just how boring and flat it really is here. I can't believe I have never noticed it before.
*Cooper FINALLY rolled over from his stomach to back today. He has been very lazy. The doctor told me that he could do this over a month ago and I am sure he could have, but he just seems to like to hang out and be lazy.
*Cooper still will not sit up on his own yet, I have no idea why.
*My mom tells me that Ciarrah is just like me and my brother, what I scary combination, she is like me because her feelings get hurt really easily and like my brother, in way too many ways to list, right now she likes to carry her smelly pee blankey around the house with her and she says it doesn't stink....
Okay I guess that is enough randomness for one day...It has been one of those weekends!!!
I have updated my photo albums on the side so check them out as well. Have a great week!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Things Are Going Great
Things here are going really well. My sis-in-law has been here for the past week and a half. So we having been spending time with her and my nephew. It has been a lot of fun. We went to the zoo and just hung out at my in-laws house. I really like going over to my in-laws house. They do stuff together as a family it is a lot of fun. Well she left on Monday so now we are back to our boring lives lol.
I talked to housing today and we got a house. I am so excited. The people in it are moving out on the 9th of July. So we get to move in the 23rd of July. I have been filling out the pre-lease papers and all the fun stuff for them. It sure takes a lot of work to get a house at a military installation. But I am very happy that we got a house. It is in the neighborhood that we wanted as well. It is located near the PX, the commissary, the splash grounds, schools, and a bunch of other stuff. Now I need to start/finish packing up stuff to go with us. Since we are like 5 weeks away from moving!! That is so exciting to say. I can't wait to get back to Texas, where it is warm and we have a yard that Ciarrah can play in. She likes to go outside, but right now my moms house isn't fenced in so she doesn't get to go outside very much cause she doesn't listen very well.
Cooper has been having some sleep problems lately. He has not been wanting to sleep in his own bed, he wants to sleep in mine. So I ordered what Carey calls "The Hand" today, we should have it in a few days, we are going to give that a try to see if that will help him sleep better at night. Our pediatrician told me to let him cry himself to sleep, normally I would, but since him and Ciarrah share a room, that just isn't an option right, I don't want him to wake her cause she is very crabby when woken up. So we are going to give that a try, I hope it works, I need something to work. I can really tell that separation anxiety is kicking in with him as well, because every time I leave the room, he screams as if you are killing him, I hope he stops that soon, cause I may lose my mind.
Other than that things are going well. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
I talked to housing today and we got a house. I am so excited. The people in it are moving out on the 9th of July. So we get to move in the 23rd of July. I have been filling out the pre-lease papers and all the fun stuff for them. It sure takes a lot of work to get a house at a military installation. But I am very happy that we got a house. It is in the neighborhood that we wanted as well. It is located near the PX, the commissary, the splash grounds, schools, and a bunch of other stuff. Now I need to start/finish packing up stuff to go with us. Since we are like 5 weeks away from moving!! That is so exciting to say. I can't wait to get back to Texas, where it is warm and we have a yard that Ciarrah can play in. She likes to go outside, but right now my moms house isn't fenced in so she doesn't get to go outside very much cause she doesn't listen very well.
Cooper has been having some sleep problems lately. He has not been wanting to sleep in his own bed, he wants to sleep in mine. So I ordered what Carey calls "The Hand" today, we should have it in a few days, we are going to give that a try to see if that will help him sleep better at night. Our pediatrician told me to let him cry himself to sleep, normally I would, but since him and Ciarrah share a room, that just isn't an option right, I don't want him to wake her cause she is very crabby when woken up. So we are going to give that a try, I hope it works, I need something to work. I can really tell that separation anxiety is kicking in with him as well, because every time I leave the room, he screams as if you are killing him, I hope he stops that soon, cause I may lose my mind.
Other than that things are going well. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Well we will be moving in 2 months. I am so excited. I can't wait to get back to Texas. I miss living in my own house with my own things! Well my excitement is very short lived, only because I can't figure out to move the kids and our stuff down there. I had every intention of renting one of those U-Haul trailers and hooking it up to the back of my car. Well when I told my husband this, he had a meltdown. He told me no, because it would wreck his "baby". He loves this car and I understand that, but man. I just don't have enough stuff to rent a U-haul truck and move it down there. I am torn with what to do. I don't know if I should just fit as much as I can in the car and mail the rest down, and then just buy a crib and mattress and all the other stuff that we need. I am just torn with what to do. Ahh I am in need of a great master plan. Any ideas. Well off to more planning and thinking and packing.
My dad has offered to drive my stuff down in his van the weekend after I leave and bring it down to me. So that solves my problem. Now I don't have to worry about getting rid of stuff and finding new stuff. That is a lot easier on me. I don't have that much stuff, so it will all fit in the back of his van!! Then I am hiring a moving company to move all my stuff from storage into our house on post!!
My dad has offered to drive my stuff down in his van the weekend after I leave and bring it down to me. So that solves my problem. Now I don't have to worry about getting rid of stuff and finding new stuff. That is a lot easier on me. I don't have that much stuff, so it will all fit in the back of his van!! Then I am hiring a moving company to move all my stuff from storage into our house on post!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Cooper's Update
Today I took Cooper to his 6 month check-up. I am very happy that he has put on almost 4 lbs in 2 months. He is now up to 16lbs. He is almost 27inches long. He is a growing little boy. He does however, have an ear infection, poor little guy. Although, it is only the first one, Ciarrah had already had about 8 by the time she was his age, so I am hoping that he doesn't have a lot of them like her.
We also got some great news. We are going to start transitioning him back to regular formula. We are going to go to soy first then go to milk-based formula. I am very happy about this because his formula he is on now is very expensive and it has an awful odor.
Other than that things have been going good. We are getting ready to head back to Texas in July. I can't wait to get back. Michael was telling me today, that he thinks we will be going to Fort Stewart, GA. I am pretty excited because that is right on the ocean. We are going to the beach when he gets home for good, for a week I am pretty excited!
Well I hope everyone has a great week!!
We also got some great news. We are going to start transitioning him back to regular formula. We are going to go to soy first then go to milk-based formula. I am very happy about this because his formula he is on now is very expensive and it has an awful odor.
Other than that things have been going good. We are getting ready to head back to Texas in July. I can't wait to get back. Michael was telling me today, that he thinks we will be going to Fort Stewart, GA. I am pretty excited because that is right on the ocean. We are going to the beach when he gets home for good, for a week I am pretty excited!
Well I hope everyone has a great week!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Yesterday and then some
Yesterday was a pretty good day!

Ciarrah brought me home pretty flowers and a nice card. She picked them both out all on her own! She is becoming such a big girl! We went out for dinner with my parents that night. Ciarrah was not a very good girl. I have no idea what her deal was, but she wouldn't sit down to eat dinner. She had an attitude all night. So when we got home, off to bed she went!
Cooper is getting his first 2 teeth, at the same time. (pic below) He is not crabby, he is very happy. He does not have any of the things that many people associate with teething, so I am very happy about that. This was taking on Sat. and this morning I looked in his mouth, and they are almost all the way out! I am so very excited!!

Well I hope everyone has a great week!

Ciarrah brought me home pretty flowers and a nice card. She picked them both out all on her own! She is becoming such a big girl! We went out for dinner with my parents that night. Ciarrah was not a very good girl. I have no idea what her deal was, but she wouldn't sit down to eat dinner. She had an attitude all night. So when we got home, off to bed she went!
Cooper is getting his first 2 teeth, at the same time. (pic below) He is not crabby, he is very happy. He does not have any of the things that many people associate with teething, so I am very happy about that. This was taking on Sat. and this morning I looked in his mouth, and they are almost all the way out! I am so very excited!!

Well I hope everyone has a great week!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Well He is Gone Now
Well after 17 days of having Michael home he went back to Iraq yesterday. It was a hard day for us all. Ciarrah kept saying that he couldn't go back to work that he had to stay home with us. I wish it were that easy. It about broke his heart having to listen to her tell him that. My parents went with all of us to the airport, they stayed with Ciarrah while I walked back with him through security and watched him board the plane. Ciarrah didn't want to go cause she knew he was leaving she is too smart for her own good lol. Cooper seems to be okay, I guess though he doesn't really understand. We are getting through things one day at a time.
This time if felt a little harder for me to let him go than the first time. I am not really sure why, but it did. I think it may have been because I watched him REALLY bond with Cooper and Cooper really bonded with him. Ciarrah and him had a great time, she really loves her daddy and misses him. Well me, I had a hard time, it will just take time to readjust to him not being here again. Sometimes I wish we didn't have the opportunity to have 2 weeks leave, because I think it makes it more difficult on all of us involved.
We did have a great time while he was here though. We did lots of stuff as a family. Check out the pics. For Michael's bday we went to the casino. It was a great time. Michael had never been to a casino before so it was a lot of fun. Although he sucks at gambling lol. He lost every time he played. He played slots and blackjack and lost alot of money, but hey it was his bday so its all good. Also while he was home, we got to drink together. We have never drank together only because shortly after we moved in together I got pregnant and after I was done being pregnant, well he was getting ready to leave. So we got to actually drink together it was fun time. We did get new family pictures as well. Take a look
This time if felt a little harder for me to let him go than the first time. I am not really sure why, but it did. I think it may have been because I watched him REALLY bond with Cooper and Cooper really bonded with him. Ciarrah and him had a great time, she really loves her daddy and misses him. Well me, I had a hard time, it will just take time to readjust to him not being here again. Sometimes I wish we didn't have the opportunity to have 2 weeks leave, because I think it makes it more difficult on all of us involved.
We did have a great time while he was here though. We did lots of stuff as a family. Check out the pics. For Michael's bday we went to the casino. It was a great time. Michael had never been to a casino before so it was a lot of fun. Although he sucks at gambling lol. He lost every time he played. He played slots and blackjack and lost alot of money, but hey it was his bday so its all good. Also while he was home, we got to drink together. We have never drank together only because shortly after we moved in together I got pregnant and after I was done being pregnant, well he was getting ready to leave. So we got to actually drink together it was fun time. We did get new family pictures as well. Take a look
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Family Pics 2009 |
I hope everyone has a great week. Make sure you check out the pics! There are some great ones there as well.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
We Will Be Gone Awhile
Hello y'all. Michael has told me that he is leaving Iraq today. So I will not be around til he goes back, about 16 days. So I just thought I would tell ya'll.
After he is gone I will be posting all of our fun pictures from his visit with us. We are going to do alot of things.
I hope everyone has a great few weeks, and I will let y'all know when he is gone..
Before I forget to tell y'all, we chopped Ciarrah's hair off. It is really short she was not letting me comb it or even wash it. So we decided that it was time for it go, I will miss her long hair, but I really like her with the short hair I think she looks cute....

After he is gone I will be posting all of our fun pictures from his visit with us. We are going to do alot of things.
I hope everyone has a great few weeks, and I will let y'all know when he is gone..
Before I forget to tell y'all, we chopped Ciarrah's hair off. It is really short she was not letting me comb it or even wash it. So we decided that it was time for it go, I will miss her long hair, but I really like her with the short hair I think she looks cute....

Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Night Before Easter
Today we had a great time. Except for missing daddy of course, but we still had fun.
We had a great big family event dying Easter eggs. My mom, grandma, Aunt Kari, Krystal and her two boys, Landon and Calvin, my kids, my brother and his girlfriend, and of course my kids!! It was a blast.
My cousin told me that Calvin was too young to die Easter eggs, but I convinced her to let him do it, and well I had to give a bath....He was covered in blue dye. He had a blast. I gave him a bath, but he had fun.
Ciarrah loved it. Nothing unusual she had a blast last year, but this year she didn't want anyone to help go figure. But that is okay, cause I dyed some eggs, since last year daddy hogged all the fun.
We had such a great time. It was nice having alot of the family around to do this. Since this will be our last holiday here. We will be in Texas for any other holidays so I am glad we got to have some family around for Ciarrah.
I will be posting more pictures tomorrow, but I have some from tonight. I hope everyone has a great Easter. Oh and the most important news of all.....Michael will be home next week!! We are so excited. Ciarrah can't wait to see daddy!!
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Easter |
We had a great big family event dying Easter eggs. My mom, grandma, Aunt Kari, Krystal and her two boys, Landon and Calvin, my kids, my brother and his girlfriend, and of course my kids!! It was a blast.
My cousin told me that Calvin was too young to die Easter eggs, but I convinced her to let him do it, and well I had to give a bath....He was covered in blue dye. He had a blast. I gave him a bath, but he had fun.
Ciarrah loved it. Nothing unusual she had a blast last year, but this year she didn't want anyone to help go figure. But that is okay, cause I dyed some eggs, since last year daddy hogged all the fun.
We had such a great time. It was nice having alot of the family around to do this. Since this will be our last holiday here. We will be in Texas for any other holidays so I am glad we got to have some family around for Ciarrah.
I will be posting more pictures tomorrow, but I have some from tonight. I hope everyone has a great Easter. Oh and the most important news of all.....Michael will be home next week!! We are so excited. Ciarrah can't wait to see daddy!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I haven't blogged in awhile but....
We have been very busy. I found out that Michael will be home in the middle of April for his r&r leave for 2 weeks. I am so very excited. We have been getting things ready for him to come home. We are staying in a hotel the entire 2 weeks that he is here, I am pretty darn excited. I can't wait. The other day Ciarrah comes up to me and tells me "Mommy, Daddy will be home very soon." I keep telling her yes he will be. We don't want to tell her to soon when he is coming, because things may change and she really doesn't understand next week or anything like that, she understand tomorrow and this is about it. lol. I feel that I have so much to do and not enough time to get it all done before he gets home. I still have to go get stuff that he wants, food wise. Cause I have to make him his favorite things to eat. But we have been very busy.
On an even happier note, the housing office at Fort Hood called me today. The lady wanted to let me know that we are on the list and that I need to call her 45 days before I plan on moving down there and she will get me a house! I am so excited. I have been dealing with the housing office for a few months, kept getting the run around and I finally got a lady that does stuff very quickly. I just faxed all our paperwork into her on Tuesday and she already has it processed. I am s very pleased with her hard work getting it done so fast.
I guess that is really all. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Cooper seems to be doing much better. He is sleeping better at night, more awake during the day. So I am hoping when we go to the doctor tomorrow, they tell me he has gained some weight. We did go and see a foot doctor, he is a friend of mine. He looked at his feet and said the way the point outward is not normal, but he said we have to wait to see what happens when he starts walking. He said when he hips and all those part start to turn, his feet may turn, he said if not, he may need special soles in his shoes to help his feet turn in. So that is some good news about the little man.
Cooper sporting his hat

On an even happier note, the housing office at Fort Hood called me today. The lady wanted to let me know that we are on the list and that I need to call her 45 days before I plan on moving down there and she will get me a house! I am so excited. I have been dealing with the housing office for a few months, kept getting the run around and I finally got a lady that does stuff very quickly. I just faxed all our paperwork into her on Tuesday and she already has it processed. I am s very pleased with her hard work getting it done so fast.
I guess that is really all. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Friday, March 20, 2009
4 Months Old, Where Did the Time Go
Today Cooper turned 4 months old. We of course did the doctor thing. We went and got shots, oh not so much fun, although I can't complain to much because they don't really bother him at all. But we also received some not so good news about him today. He has a sinus infection. Well in last 2 months he has only gained just over a pound. The doctor told me she is going to give him 2 weeks to put some weight on, since he always seems to be sick. If he does not put any weight then I guess she'll figure something else out. Then on top of that news....she noticed that when he is standing, with weight on his feet, his feet point outwards instead of straight ahead. So she said we are going to keep an eye on that. My old boss's husband is a foot doctor, so I am going to have him take a look at them, and see if it is any thing to worry about, since he'll do it for me. If there is then when we go back in 2 weeks, I'll talk to my doctor about putting in a referral to a foot doctor, so we get the problem corrected, if there is one. It feels like nothing seems to be going well for my little man. I mean we don't have it terrible, but it just seems like he can never get a break. Oh yeah she even thinks he sleeps way too much. He will sleep from 4pm to 9am, he will wake up to eat and then he's right back out again. He will even take a nap from about 10am to 12pm. So he really isn't awake very much. I try to keep him awake and keep him occupied, but he just seems to want to sleep. I guess that's all that is really going on at this very moment.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Today, up here in Nebraska, it is 81 degrees. Okay seriously I wish the weather would make up its mind. I mean I don't mind at all that it is that nice outside. I am in a tank top and shorts. I like being able to wear this type of clothing all the time, but last week it was pretty cold. Now this week it is suppose to be nice. On top of it all, I had surgery on Friday, which went well, and so I couldn't enjoy the nice weather. I have to take it easy so that pretty much means I am stuck in the house with the kids. Thank goodness Ciarrah went to school today, she got to enjoy this fresh air. I can really tell she enjoyed it. There is just something about little kids and pretty much the first warm day of the year, they get all excited. I really do love the weather today, and tomorrow is suppose to be just as nice. So that means that I plan on taking the kids outside and enjoy some of the weather. I really miss Texas weather. Already down where we are it is pretty warm. I don't care to much for the cold. Cooper has been doing much better. My mother-in-law kept him all night on Friday, the first night he has ever been away from me. It was an interesting night, good thing I was all drugged up, it didn't affect me much. Well I guess thats really all for now. Just wanted to tell ya'll about the weather we are experiencing up here. Hope everyone has a great week!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
All Better
Cooper is finally all better. We just finished up breathing treatments this morning. I can totally tell he is feeling better. He is beginning to get back to sleeping almost all night. Last night he slept from midnight til seven this morning. It was so nice. Tuesday night he laughed for the first time, it was so cute!
Now only if Ciarrah would get better. She went out side this past weekend and played in the snow, that is all gone by the way, and well as a result she got a bad cough that keeps her up most of the night. We are doing breathing treatments with her right now.
Yesterday I went and booked our hotel for the 2 weeks that Michael will be home in May. The hotel is being very understanding about us not knowing an exact til the day he gets into the states. But I'm so happy we have our room booked and now all we have to do is wait, cause it will be 2 months til he's home, I'm very excited!!
Last night, I was making Cooper a bottle and some cereal. Ciarrah asked if she could feed him his cereal. So I told her she could. It was so funny watching her ATTEMPT to feed him. All he did was smile at her. He loves to look at her, he is always full of smiles. Although he spit some of it back out and well Ciarrah, apparently has a weak stomach, ended up making her self sick.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. We will we are going to get pictures taken on Sunday for Easter!
Now only if Ciarrah would get better. She went out side this past weekend and played in the snow, that is all gone by the way, and well as a result she got a bad cough that keeps her up most of the night. We are doing breathing treatments with her right now.
Yesterday I went and booked our hotel for the 2 weeks that Michael will be home in May. The hotel is being very understanding about us not knowing an exact til the day he gets into the states. But I'm so happy we have our room booked and now all we have to do is wait, cause it will be 2 months til he's home, I'm very excited!!
Last night, I was making Cooper a bottle and some cereal. Ciarrah asked if she could feed him his cereal. So I told her she could. It was so funny watching her ATTEMPT to feed him. All he did was smile at her. He loves to look at her, he is always full of smiles. Although he spit some of it back out and well Ciarrah, apparently has a weak stomach, ended up making her self sick.

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Cooper went back to the doctor today to see if his RSV is getting any better. Of course its not. He isn't any worse or any better. But now he is vomiting and has diarrhea. He has been having some fevers. So the doctor gave him a steroid shot and said to continue the breathing treatments 3 times a day. He goes back to the doctor on Monday.

Tomorrow I go to my doctor. I'm so very excited. I am planning on getting my tubes tied. I so can't wait. We have 2 babies and they are plenty for us. I go in tomorrow to have a consult with the doctor and to send the referral into my insurance company to wait for the approval. We go this weekend to meet with our photographer to get Easter pictures done I'm so excited!!
That's really all for now. Hope everyone has a great week!!!
Tomorrow I go to my doctor. I'm so very excited. I am planning on getting my tubes tied. I so can't wait. We have 2 babies and they are plenty for us. I go in tomorrow to have a consult with the doctor and to send the referral into my insurance company to wait for the approval. We go this weekend to meet with our photographer to get Easter pictures done I'm so excited!!
That's really all for now. Hope everyone has a great week!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Poor Guy
Today I took Cooper to the doctor. Well after we got there they did his O2 stats and they were only in the 80's. Then the doctor came in and listened to him and said he sounded wheezy. They did a RSV test and then they gave him a breathing treatment. Well after that was done, the doctor came back in and said that he has RSV. My poor little guy. He can't get a break. First it was him spitting up all the time, which is finally stopped, to now RSV. I guess he gets all the sickness from me. From what I understand I was a sick baby too. He looks just like daddy, but gets his immune system from mommy.
Ciarrah has been doing really well as school. I'm going to say she is completely potty trained. We havent had an accident in a very long time. Even over nights she stays dry. Now that she is pretty well potty trained I think we are going to go out and get her some big girl bedding and a big girl bed, a twin one, so she can get out of the toddler one! Yeah for her. I'm very excited for her.
Only 2 1/2 more months and Michael will be home for R&R leave. I'm so very excited. I've been price checking out hotels for the 2 weeks he is home so we can stay at the hotel and have our own time when we want too. This way we dont feel like we are intruding on either of our parents. And plus our parents are going to watch the kids a few nights so we can have alone time!!
Well thats really all I have for now. I'll talk to ya laters. Have a great weekend!
Ciarrah has been doing really well as school. I'm going to say she is completely potty trained. We havent had an accident in a very long time. Even over nights she stays dry. Now that she is pretty well potty trained I think we are going to go out and get her some big girl bedding and a big girl bed, a twin one, so she can get out of the toddler one! Yeah for her. I'm very excited for her.
Only 2 1/2 more months and Michael will be home for R&R leave. I'm so very excited. I've been price checking out hotels for the 2 weeks he is home so we can stay at the hotel and have our own time when we want too. This way we dont feel like we are intruding on either of our parents. And plus our parents are going to watch the kids a few nights so we can have alone time!!
Well thats really all I have for now. I'll talk to ya laters. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
~What A Day~

I also got my new purse today. Its a ACU purse and it has Michaels rank and unit and stuff on there and the inside liner is PINK!!! I love the color PINK!
So in less than a week I have gotten 5 dozen roses. 4 dozen on Valentines day and the dozen today!! He made me cry both times I got them. They are just so pretty!

Friday, February 13, 2009
I Finally Got Them
So today even though the snow is unbearable.

Cooper and I

Michael and Cooper
This is by far one of my favorites of him and Cooper
Saturday, February 7, 2009
She Did It
Tonight, Ciarrah finally POOPED in the potty. This means she is almost completely potty trained. She is doing very well with it. Today she was accident free, that means 2 days of no accidents! I'm so excited for her. It almost made me cry, to know that my little girl is growing up so fast!
We went to Omaha, with Ashley, Charlie, Ciarrah, Cooper and I. Let me tell you ppl sure do look at you funny when you have 3 kids with you. Especially at the commissary. Lots of people looked at us funny. Although the girls were very well behaved. Lots of ppl told me what a beautiful baby I have. I have to agree he is a gorgeous little boy, just like my husband, the best person in the world!
Thats all that is going on right now.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
We went to Omaha, with Ashley, Charlie, Ciarrah, Cooper and I. Let me tell you ppl sure do look at you funny when you have 3 kids with you. Especially at the commissary. Lots of people looked at us funny. Although the girls were very well behaved. Lots of ppl told me what a beautiful baby I have. I have to agree he is a gorgeous little boy, just like my husband, the best person in the world!
Thats all that is going on right now.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Today was a much better day for Ciarrah!! Hooray. She only had one accident. I talked to her teacher and explained to her that Ciarrah needs to be asked if she needs to go potty otherwise she'll hold it til she goes in her pants. She just doesnt like to go unless she asked. IDK. She had a much better day though. She played better, she didnt even care that I left her. So all and all it was a good day.
I went and dropped off Michaels box in the mail the 2nd one in a week. I made him so more cookies and finished his Valentine's day present!!
Well I hope everyone has a great week!!
I went and dropped off Michaels box in the mail the 2nd one in a week. I made him so more cookies and finished his Valentine's day present!!
Well I hope everyone has a great week!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ciarrah started preschool on Monday! Oh what a day that was. She didn't have a very good first day, though. She had trouble following directions. She didn't do so hot with potty training, she had 2 accidents at school. She also had issues playing with other children! Although for her first day I have to give her some credit. She goes back tomorrow, so I'm hoping that tomorrow is a better day. Although she can now say her ABC's all the way through without any help and she is learning to count as well!! I'm very happy that she is learning these things she is getting so big so fast. Its kind of hard to believe that she will be 4 in September!!
That's really all that has been happening so far this week. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
So Excited!!!
So Im so excited and I had to share my great news with ya'll.
Tonight my phone rings, didnt know the number but it was local so I figured I would let the voicemail pick it up, but for some reason I decided to answer it after all. Im so glad I did, the news made my night. It was my cousins wife, she was calling to tell me that Ciarrahs' sperm donor is willing to sign his rights away to her and let Michael adopt her!! This is such good news. He has said he would in the past but then he would change his mind. Well this time I dont think he'll change it, mostly because he has a 4th baby, by a 4th woman, on the way. Geezzz...some ppl just shouldnt breed, but then again I wouldnt have my beautiful little girl!!
I planned on going and getting a hold of an attorney after we filed our taxes to start the process, cause I figured once he realized how much behing he is on child support he would sign her over anyways, but since i have POA for Michael and I can represent him in any civil litigation, an attorney told me I could do all of it by myself. I'm so excited, so next week Im off to find me an attorney and get this process started so just maybe by the time she starts school, she'll have the same last name as us, that would be awesome.
Also, Ciarrah starts preschool next week, 3 days a week from 10 to 4. Im excited for her and me!! Since Cooper sleeps alot, this means I can maybe just maybe start classes online!! Well thats my next goal, one thing at a time on my plate lol.
Well thanks for reading about my great news. Hope everyone had a great week!!
Tonight my phone rings, didnt know the number but it was local so I figured I would let the voicemail pick it up, but for some reason I decided to answer it after all. Im so glad I did, the news made my night. It was my cousins wife, she was calling to tell me that Ciarrahs' sperm donor is willing to sign his rights away to her and let Michael adopt her!! This is such good news. He has said he would in the past but then he would change his mind. Well this time I dont think he'll change it, mostly because he has a 4th baby, by a 4th woman, on the way. Geezzz...some ppl just shouldnt breed, but then again I wouldnt have my beautiful little girl!!
I planned on going and getting a hold of an attorney after we filed our taxes to start the process, cause I figured once he realized how much behing he is on child support he would sign her over anyways, but since i have POA for Michael and I can represent him in any civil litigation, an attorney told me I could do all of it by myself. I'm so excited, so next week Im off to find me an attorney and get this process started so just maybe by the time she starts school, she'll have the same last name as us, that would be awesome.
Also, Ciarrah starts preschool next week, 3 days a week from 10 to 4. Im excited for her and me!! Since Cooper sleeps alot, this means I can maybe just maybe start classes online!! Well thats my next goal, one thing at a time on my plate lol.
Well thanks for reading about my great news. Hope everyone had a great week!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Not to much going on
Well not really much going on around here. Just the same old same old. We are still working on potty training Ciarrah shes doing pretty well. Cooper is doing better now that he eats cereal he isnt spitting up anything. The doctor told us it was a last resort and we are there. Thank goodness its working!! He sleep pretty much all night or at least 8-9 hours at a stretch. Thats all thats really going on with the kids
Michael is coming home for sure in May for R&R leave. We don't know an exact date yet, but we do know that its sometime in May. Im so excited. I can't wait for him to get here. This means I know have a date to look forward too!
Other than that things are going well. It is pretty warm here right now. Tomorrow its suppose to get around 50 degrees. But then its suppose to get really cold and fast. Im bummed about that but what can we do!
I'll leave you with a new picture of Cooper at 6 weeks!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Last Few Days
The last few days have been very diffiuclt.
Ciarrah is doing better with the potty thing. She holds it til she feels like going, sometimes she wets her pants, but shes doing pretty good. She wont poop in the potty. I hear that alot of kids dont want to poop in the potty. But at least for right now we are making some good progress. Which I am very pleased about. Its nice only having to change one kids diaper. She has even for the most part stayed dry over night! Hooray for her! I'm so proud of her.
Cooper is doing okay. I took him to Childrens over the weekend cause he was acting a little lathergic and still spitting up alot, and I was sick of getting no where with the doctors in the ER here. So we went to Children's and we actually saw a doctor who finally gave a real answer to what is wrong with my little man. He has the same thing as what my brother did, if ya'll dont know what that is. Basically the doctor told me that the muscle at the end of his esophagus isnt very strong so its not working with the valve to open and shut properly. He told me that he has a severe case of this and theres nothing they can do, but just wait and he'll grow out of. Im so glad a doctor finally gave me an answer and a positive to everything now. I mean we just get to wait, but he said it should be maybe 3-4 months and he may be doing alot better. So this is great news.
On to some more good news. Cooper and Ciarrah finally slept in the same room. Cooper finally slept in his crib. He went to bed and so did Ciarrah around 8pm and Cooper slept til 5am and ate and went back to sleep. Ciarrah slept til around 9am. So really I had a great night sleep. Well except for my 3am phone call from Iraq that I get every night.
Speaking of Iraq. Michael is doing as well as can be expected. He actually today had to start doing missions. But they are only 5 hours long and only 6 days a week. So its better than last time he was there. Which I'm happy about. We get to talk everyday by using Skype and the web cam which is awesome, and its so cheap for him to. It costs us like 6 dollars a month for unlimited calling, and he has voicemail so we can call him whenever we want even if hes not there we can still leave a message. Hooray! Today he got my care package that I sent to him on the 6Th. I'm so impressed with the postal service, because he said it took him 2 weeks or longer last time to get packages. But he was so excited. Cause that meant he got sheets and a blankey since hes been using a sleeping bag. He also said that he made all the guys in his room jealous. Cause when I sent the box, I doused it in perfume. He said that you really could smell, it so now his room smells like a woman was there lol. He says every time someone walks by his bunk he asks them if they want to smell his box lol. I'm so happy that I made his day. lol.
I guess that's really all the news right now other than its freezing cold. I'm ready to be heading back to Texas where its warm.
We'll I hope everyone has a great day and rest of the week.
If anyone has any ideas on how to make cookies stay fresh for a weeks journey to Iraq I'm all ears!!!
Ciarrah is doing better with the potty thing. She holds it til she feels like going, sometimes she wets her pants, but shes doing pretty good. She wont poop in the potty. I hear that alot of kids dont want to poop in the potty. But at least for right now we are making some good progress. Which I am very pleased about. Its nice only having to change one kids diaper. She has even for the most part stayed dry over night! Hooray for her! I'm so proud of her.
Cooper is doing okay. I took him to Childrens over the weekend cause he was acting a little lathergic and still spitting up alot, and I was sick of getting no where with the doctors in the ER here. So we went to Children's and we actually saw a doctor who finally gave a real answer to what is wrong with my little man. He has the same thing as what my brother did, if ya'll dont know what that is. Basically the doctor told me that the muscle at the end of his esophagus isnt very strong so its not working with the valve to open and shut properly. He told me that he has a severe case of this and theres nothing they can do, but just wait and he'll grow out of. Im so glad a doctor finally gave me an answer and a positive to everything now. I mean we just get to wait, but he said it should be maybe 3-4 months and he may be doing alot better. So this is great news.
On to some more good news. Cooper and Ciarrah finally slept in the same room. Cooper finally slept in his crib. He went to bed and so did Ciarrah around 8pm and Cooper slept til 5am and ate and went back to sleep. Ciarrah slept til around 9am. So really I had a great night sleep. Well except for my 3am phone call from Iraq that I get every night.
Speaking of Iraq. Michael is doing as well as can be expected. He actually today had to start doing missions. But they are only 5 hours long and only 6 days a week. So its better than last time he was there. Which I'm happy about. We get to talk everyday by using Skype and the web cam which is awesome, and its so cheap for him to. It costs us like 6 dollars a month for unlimited calling, and he has voicemail so we can call him whenever we want even if hes not there we can still leave a message. Hooray! Today he got my care package that I sent to him on the 6Th. I'm so impressed with the postal service, because he said it took him 2 weeks or longer last time to get packages. But he was so excited. Cause that meant he got sheets and a blankey since hes been using a sleeping bag. He also said that he made all the guys in his room jealous. Cause when I sent the box, I doused it in perfume. He said that you really could smell, it so now his room smells like a woman was there lol. He says every time someone walks by his bunk he asks them if they want to smell his box lol. I'm so happy that I made his day. lol.
I guess that's really all the news right now other than its freezing cold. I'm ready to be heading back to Texas where its warm.
We'll I hope everyone has a great day and rest of the week.
If anyone has any ideas on how to make cookies stay fresh for a weeks journey to Iraq I'm all ears!!!
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