Now only if Ciarrah would get better. She went out side this past weekend and played in the snow, that is all gone by the way, and well as a result she got a bad cough that keeps her up most of the night. We are doing breathing treatments with her right now.
Yesterday I went and booked our hotel for the 2 weeks that Michael will be home in May. The hotel is being very understanding about us not knowing an exact til the day he gets into the states. But I'm so happy we have our room booked and now all we have to do is wait, cause it will be 2 months til he's home, I'm very excited!!
Last night, I was making Cooper a bottle and some cereal. Ciarrah asked if she could feed him his cereal. So I told her she could. It was so funny watching her ATTEMPT to feed him. All he did was smile at her. He loves to look at her, he is always full of smiles. Although he spit some of it back out and well Ciarrah, apparently has a weak stomach, ended up making her self sick.

1 comment:
Happy the RSV is gone. That is some scarey stuff. Hope Cirrah is doing better.
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