Monday, December 22, 2008

I Thought Things Were Getting Better

After all of his tests they came back and told me that his esophagus was working properly. His fever they don't have an explanation for. So I was told on Friday to start introducing his new formula Enfamil Nutramegin. They said his formula was the cause of him pooping so much. Since Friday he has not been pooping nearly as much. But he is still vomiting. Its not your average amounts of spit-up. He has been very crabby as well. They have diagnosed him with having GERD, and he is on prevacid. It is helping a little bit, but not nearly as much.
Ciarrah has an attitude problem, but nothing new. I have been okay I guess you could say that. Things are a little rough, but we are getting through it. It has only been a week since Michael's been gone, it feels like a lot longer than that. We can't wait til June, when Michael comes home for 2 weeks. I'm counting down the days. LOL.
Well Cooper will be awake soon, I better get going. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.


Ashley said...

Hope your week starts getting better! No one wants a sick kid on Christmas.

Cimi said...

I am sorry Cooper is having a hard time. Try letting him sleep almost upright, of course that means holding him alot while he sleeps. But then again babies like (& need) to be held alot those first couple of months. Good Luck!!