Saturday, December 4, 2010

Big Boy Bed

Tonight we took down Cooper's crib and put up his toddler bed.

We did our normal routine except for instead of reading a book to both kids I read Cooper one in his room, just for him. We took a bath, brushed teeth and read a story, then he crawled into his bed and covered him self up and said night night. I told him goodnight and left his room. He started crying, so I went back in there and told him it was okay and he laid right back down and then I left. He fell asleep pretty quickly. I tucked Ciarrah in and read her her own story. They are both sound asleep as I write this.

Things have been pretty busy with us down here. We are preparing as much as we can for the upcoming deployment in Jan/Feb. We are having lots of family coming down to visit us before Michael leaves, which is pretty exciting. Looking forward to Christmas.

Hope everyone has a great night.

He slept all night. He woke up at 8am this morning. Maybe he's been ready for a while and I just wasn't :( Hoping for more great nights

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