We went to the place that Michael gets his done at. This nice little Korean shop. He always gets his done there, so we figured since Michael had to have one, might as well get Cooper one too!!
We got there and I sat in the chair holding Cooper. She put a towel around him and clipped it, he thought the clip was cool. She snipped off a piece for me for his baby book. Then she trimmed the rest. They have hoses hooked up to their trimmers, so they don't get hair on the floor. I have never seen that before, but it is kind of handy!! As she was cutting Cooper's hair, he just stood there. He loved it. He smiled, he loves it when you rub his head!
So all in all his first haircut was a success. I was so proud of him, and since Ciarrah did such a good job waiting, she got a sucker, since Cooper isn't allowed sugar, yet!

1 comment:
great pic of cooper, like a little boy
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