Monday, February 15, 2010

Picky Eater

So I am dealing with a VERY picky 15 month old. He won't eat anything I give him. Right now he will only eat yogurt, grilled cheese and kix cereal.

I just don't know what to give him. Everything I try to feed him, he won't give a chance. He won't even put it in his mouth. He has a texture issue. If it looks odd to him, he won't even try it. I feel that he isn't eating enough. He takes interest in what you are eating, but the second you try to feed him what you're eating he turns his head or won't open his mouth. We've tried to let him feed himself what you're eating and he won't do it either, it just ends up on the floor.

His doctor says he'll grow out of it. The doctor says to not worry about it, he'll eat when he's hungry. We've been playing this "game" of his for over 3 months now. We are in need of some help. Any ideas on what to feed him.

1 comment:

Sheree said...

as the doctor said he will eat when he is hungry, patience