In our house hold the last few weeks has been that of religion. It really hasn't been anything to deal with, but I recently have decided that I have wanted to start going back to church. Michael while in Iraq has been going as much as he can every Sunday to Catholic service.
Which started our "decision" on the topic. Michael is roman catholic and I am Lutheran which are quite different. Michael refuses to go to any church except a Catholic church, and so that means if I really want to go to church I either have to suck it up and go alone or I have to go to a Catholic one. On top of this, I have never been to any other type of church service but Lutheran, so all I really know about Catholic's are what you hear or what you see on tv.
Well today I went to my first Catholic church service. As I was sitting there, I realized that this service wasn't much different than the services of a Lutheran one. I guess I should give ya a little insight as to why this is.
My new friend whom I met at Ciarrah's school, is catholic. She invited me to her induction ceremony into the Daughter's of the King this morning, so I decided to go. Well her church is called St. Christopher's Episcopal Church. This church was very welcoming. It felt very good to be there. The Father seems to be a very nice man. After he found out that I was new to the congregation this morning, he made it a point, to make sure everyone else did too. I didn't realize how much I really missed going to church until I was there today. After going I felt so much better. Not sure if that makes sense, but it does to me. I have not stepped foot in a church in a long time, way to long and I regret that, but that is all going to change now. I did cry during the service, everyone did. Because we are a miltary town, the Father asks for anyone who is deploying or on r&r to come up. Well a man was getting ready to deploy and well I guess it just hits home, but I thankful that Michael will be home in 2 months, and we will be all done with this deployment for a year or so.
The Father after church was talking to me and was asking some questions about where I went to church. I told him and he asked me what type of Lutheran I was and I told him. He told me the Episcopal's and ELCA's are basically like kissing cousins. I thought that was a pretty funny thing for a Father to say, but I guess he was basically telling me that, they are so closely related that there really isn't much of a difference.
I have decided that we are going to continue to attend this church. For a few reasons
1) It is Catholic
2) It is sooo close to a Lutheran service
3) Everyone there seems very welcoming
4) Ciarrah and Cooper did really well in the nursery/sunday school
I hope everyone has a great week! Tomorrow my new friend and I are heading to they gym every morning! I need to start working out!!
The Episcopal church is closer to the Catholic church then the Lutheran church. There are a great many similarities along with a couple of huge differences. The process to convert to catholicism is about a year process. You should check into it if this is what you choose to do. You cannot "just go" to a Catholic church to become a member you have to take the classes. Erinn has looked into it as Andrew is Catholic. Good Luck.
Wait ... Did you go to an Episcopal church or a Catholic church? Because Episcopal's are not Catholic's. The episcopal church is a good fit for somene who is lutheran or catholic.
Yeah, I am confused too? Episcopal churches are not Catholic.
Actually they are Catholic and Protestant. They follow a lot of the same beliefs as Catholics. They use the same book of common prayer as a catholic. They are just not as strict as Roman Catholics, I guess you could say. I have no intention of changing my religion. But since Michael has no intention of going to another church and I wont go to a Roman Catholic church this is what we are going to have to do. The Father told me that I am welcome to continue coming to services there.
I agree with Ashley about the Episcopal Church is a good fit for people from backgrounds in Lutheran and Catholic. The main thing is the two of you decide which one is right for your family. I think you have made a good choice. Hopefully Michael will give it a chance when he gets home. He will find the service very similar. The people making up the church makes a huge difference.
I don't know who told you they were both Catholic and Protestant. But tht is not true. I was married in the Episcopal church and my child was baptized in the Episcoal church, none of this makes me Catholic or allows me to take communion in the Catholic church. Simply put the Pope doesn't recognize the Episcopal church as a Catholic church.
Becky, I think even though the Episcopal church is not a Catholic Church, you should just ask Michael to go to one service and see how he likes it. It's about a compromise, right? Going to church isn't about who believes in what and what books are different. You should feel comfortable as a family and if you love this church as much as you said you did, Michael should definitely try it!
as a Lutheran that has been going to Catholic churches for the majority of my adult life, I have to chime in and say a Catholic and an Episcopalian are not of the same religion.I agree with Erinn that Michael should just give it an opportunity, but with my knowledge of Catholics, most love their religion and their churches, so I wish you the best. I think that whatever the both of you decide as a family will be the right decision.
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