Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Know I Know...

...I am a bad blogger. We have been super busy the last few weeks.

We having been hanging alot with our neighbors. They are really great. We have been taking turns watching each others kids. Which is really nice to be able to do. Both sets of neighbors have kids about the same age as Ciarrah and Cooper. It really is nice. Although Cooper is the only boy. We have been doing alot of play times. We usually end up at their house, which is in the next house over. We just let the kids hang out and play and us girls talk. Nae Nae's husband is deployed, Nikki's husband is home, but they are getting out of the army in about 8 months. The kids really have fun together and that is all that matters.

Ciarrah is getting ready to go to school on the 24th of this month. She is pretty excited. We were put on a waiting list, cause we went to register a day late and they said that she might not get to go to school. But they called us last Thursday and she is going to school. We have meet the teacher night on the 20th. I am not sure how the first day of school is going to be. I am sure I will be a basket case lol. Down here the pre-K program is state-funded, so she will be going to school from 745 to 315, Monday thru Friday. I am excited and sad. My baby is getting so big. She will be 4 next month.

Cooper is getting to be a handful. He has found out that the stairs are fun to climb. I was in the bathroom one day and I couldnt find him anywhere low and behold he was on the 3rd step, standing there smiling at me. Now we have a babygate at the top, bottom and in the kitchen to get to the stairs. He is now walking with toys. I can see it soon he will be walking. He said da da for the first time yesterday, it almost made my cry. He also says ba ba and sssss. It is so cute. I wish Michael could see all this.

We are only 3 1/2 months from him coming home, and we are so excited. I am starting to get things ready for his homecoming. There is a website that does free banners to soliders families, so I am in the process of ordering one of those. It is going to hang on the house when he comes, with the help of the neighbors lol. My sis-law gave me a great idea for shirts for the kids. She told to me get white t-shirts and write welcome home daddy or something like that on them in paint, and then let them finger paint the rest of the shirt. I think that he will really love that. So that is my plan to do for shirts!! We are going to tie balloons to the kids the day he comes home, only because we will be at a field of about 300+ soliders coming home AND all of their families, so we want him to see us.

We are anticipating a move to Ft Riley, KS. This is not our first choice, but we would like him to stateside for a while so this is why we are heading there. We really wanted to be in Georgia, but he was told if he goes there he will be deploying right away again. I am not sure how I feel about this move. We will be 3 hours from our parents which will be nice. A nice short drive for everyone to visit, and that means that we can take the kids down for the weekend and have some alone time. Something that we would not have if we stay here or move farther away. So for many reasons this feels like the best choice for us. He is calling tomorrow or the next day to talk to Branch and get his orders switch with another guy who is leaving the army in May. This guys report date is March. So we will be in Texas 3 months before we have to move. I have been talking to women in all of the units that Michael could be placed in, and 2 of them are due to be home when we report and the other one is leaving this month. So if we do get to go there we know he will at least be home til Spring of 2011. Although Ft Riley doesnt deploy every year, they deploy about every 3 years, so that is what we are hoping for. That would be nice.

That is all that is really going on around here. We are doing well. Hoping to come down and see Brenna, Ed and Hunter soon.
Hope everyone has a great week!!


Anonymous said...

YAY! We are excited to you, Ciarrah and finally meet Cooper. We are pretty much free any weekend!! Just let me know!

Sheree said...

great update thanks