Friday, November 28, 2008

Okay So This Was Gross

I was changing Cooper's poopy diaper, and I was wiping him and guess what happened, he pooped on me, it came straight out as if it was a squirt gunn. It hit my chest area. Can you say GROSS.......I made Michael finish I couldnt do it. I have never been pooped on until now. It wouldnt have been so bad, but we were just sitting down to dinner, so it kind of killed my moment for dinner.

Although today I put on jeans for the 1st time in 6 months, they were my pre-pregnancy jeans so I was really exciting.

We'll I thought I would share my grossness with ya'll.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving


We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. It is just going to be Michael, Ciarrah, Cooper and I. Its Michael first Thanksgiving home since 2005 and my first one away from Nebraska. We'll We hope everyone has a great day. I'm sure I'll have some funny pictures of today.

Love Ya'll

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The First Few Days

The first few days have been pretty well. Since we've been home he has been sleepin pretty well. He likes to sleep in his swing. Thats where he sleeps at night. I know it will be a pain to break him of it, but we all need sleep too and he just wants to be moving.

Although he does sleep on the changing table attached to the bassinet, he just likes to see whats going on. But he doesnt like to be swaddle like when hes in the swing, his hands have to be free so they can be above his head. He sleeps so much like his daddy. I guess since Ciarrah looks and acts just like me, than Cooper is suppose to act and look just like his daddy.

Ciarrah is really enjoying her little brother. She is always asking to help. She wants to help feed him and hold him. Although once you let her shes done in like 5 seconds. But at least she doesnt seem to show any signs of jealously right now anyways. Im sure that will come once we are back in Nebraska, cause ppl we havent seen in a while or ppl who havent met Cooper, will be paying him alot of attention, but I hope ppl just dont forget about her. She does love to sit by him, but she likes to touch his head so we have to watch her very carefully.

Well we hope everyone has a great week and a great Thanksgiving. This will be the first Thanksgiving in my entire life that I have not been in Nebraska, so its a hard holiday for me. But at least my husband gets to be home for one for the first time in 2 years. So thats what we are thankful for.

Love ya'll

Saturday, November 22, 2008

More Photos......

Okay I am feeling a bit better. Still a bit sleepy, as for our little boy and our little girl didnt sleep well last night. But things are getting better. Cooper is eating every 4 hours so things are getting adjusted.

As for my delivey, it was a very bad experience. I had a horrible nurse who didnt listen to me at all. I told her at around midnight about 2 hours after my water was broke that I was feeling a lot of pressure. But she told me that I couldnt much further dilated than 3 since it was not long after my water was broke and she said she didnt want to check me cause I could get an infection. So after another 2 hours of pain cause she told me I couldnt have my epideral, I finally got an epideral at 230am. After that she checked me around 3am or so, and I was completly dilated and she proceed to tell me that since I just got my epideral that we would let it kick in about an hour before we began pushing. So we sat there for an hour and I got to push 5 times for about 10 minutes and I was told to stop. His head was not moving and going back up, and well as we were waiting for the doctor his head started moving out, a nurse held his head til my doctor got there. All my doctor did was just glide his head right out, I didnt even push.

Well I can say that my labor was pretty easy and quick, except for the pain part, now I know why I had an epideral so early on with Ciarrah. I'm a whimp and dont do well with pain, but now that he is here it makes it all worth it.

He looks just like his daddy. Ciarrah is total in love with him. She wants to help out as much as she can. My parents left this morning, Im very grateful they were here and they got to watch him be born. Ill leave ya'll with some pictures, hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.

Cooper's Arrival

Friday, November 21, 2008

We're Home Now..

Okay ya'll we just got home late tonight, I promise you I will post lots more picture tomorrow Im just really exhausted.....So I'll leave ya with a great pic.

Love ya all....

Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Doctors Appt.

Today I went in for my 39 week appointment. Well it was a long appointment once again. My blood pressure was 158/105. Seriously I just want this little boy out. My protein levels were a little high, but eveything else looks okay. After the appointment I had to go have another non-stress test done. I get to have another one done tomorrow and then I get to be induced on Wednesday. I'm hoping that with my blood pressure being so high that they will make me a priority. I just want to have him out. When I'm lying down my blood pressure drops down to the middle to upper 130's over 90's. So even then its a little high. I can't wait til then just 2 more days!!!

Well Im going to go lie down, really in need of some sleep. Hope everyone has a good week. We'll put an update once we're home from the hosptial.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today we went in for my 38 week appointment. It was a long visit at the doctors office about 2 hours. I'm excited to say that I'm about 1 to 2 cm dilated and completely thinned out. That's all that's really good news.

They did an ultrasound today to check my amniotic fluid levels which look good. They also did a non-stress test. When I got back to start the test, his heart beat never went above 120's, so they made me stay back a little longer to make sure that his heart beat rose to about 140 and it did and then he was moving, he must have been sleeping, go figure. After that was done, then it was off to the lab to have once again more blood work and another 24 hour urine test, I think I'm going to be a pro at these by the time I'm done being pregnant.

They took my blood pressure, and low and behold it was really high once again 149/99. All my test results from last week came back good. My liver function and kidney functions are great. So they have diagnosed me with gestational hypertension. So with that said I'm scheduled to be induced on the 19th of November. NEXT Wednesday!!! Okay so that is exciting. But the reason I am being induced isn't so exciting, its kind of scary. I know that high blood pressure runs in the family and all, but its still really scary.

I have to go back in for a non-stress test on Friday and on Monday, along with a doctors appointment. Then hopefully to L&D on Wednesday. The reason why I say HOPEFULLY is because the way the L&D floor works at this hospital is they only have 7 beds. Obviously since we are an army hospital there are way more women pregnant that are treated at this hospital than most. I have to call at 8am on Wednesday morning to see if they have a bed open, if they do then I will be heading up to L&D and start the induction process. If not then they may tell me to call back later that day or they'll have me call back later to see if they have any open beds. So I'm hoping and praying that they have one open. I really am ready to be done being pregnant. Since I was induced with Ciarrah I know what to expect and since I'm already dilated, they will start me on pitocin.

That's really all we know for now, in the event I go into labor before Wednesday or if my test results come back bad or they don't have a bed for me on Wednesday, we should have a baby on Wednesday or so. I'm really excited I'm hoping that this week flies by and nothing goes wrong. So keep hoping with us that we get to have a baby!!

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week. We'll keep everyone up to date as much as possible.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

OMG..Is all I can Say

Monday I had a doctors appointment for my 37 week check up, it was at 1:50, we are supposed to arrive 15 minutes before so we did we got there about 1:30. Sometimes I get in early. Well not this day. When I got there and checked in, we sat in the waiting room for about 15 minutes before I was taking back to get my vitals. So I did that I gained another 5 lbs since my last visit 2 weeks ago, and well they took my blood pressure, which it was 139/91. So it was a little high. Then they take me to a back waiting room to wait some more, oh lets say about another 45 minutes. It was about 2:30 when I got called back for my appt.

When I got back there they decided to check my blood pressure. When the rechecked my blood pressure it was 145/95, they did it again and again I had a blood pressure of 150/100. So they tell me I have to go to the lab do some blood work and give a urine sample and a 24 hour urine. Then they tell me I have to go up to labor and delivery and be monitored for a few hours. We do all the lab stuff, all with a unhappy 3 year old. Then we go up stairs.

Now here's what I can't understand.....
We get up to the 2nd floor (L&D). They tell me to go back to the triage area so we walk back there. They get all my information, even though my doctor had just called up to tell them I was on my way but anyways. After they get all my info they tell me its going to be a long wait. Apparently there was 4 other women in front of me. They tell us to into the waiting room. The waiting room is completely full. There are women standing in the hall. One women had told me she had been there since 1 pm and it was 3:30 and she hadn't been seen yet. OMG....what if your dying. So Michael took Ciarrah to a friends house cause we knew it was going to be a long wait.

While we were sitting there a women was brought in by ambulance, her water broke, husband at work, well there was even blood in her water. They brought her in and took her to the bathroom to put a gown on and THEN they made her sit in the waiting room. She sat there for about 15 minutes before they took her back to TRIAGE. Apparently an hour later, another ambulance came to get her to take her to another hospital, I mean seriously I understand that they were busy and all, but come one.

Well finally around 5:30 or so I FINALLY got to go back. They hooked up me, I'm apparently contracting ever 4-5 minutes, but only lasting maybe 30 seconds or so, but sometimes I don't even feel them. My blood pressures were a little high when I got back there, but they went down to like 112/79. So they sent me home oh around 7pm.

I understand that they were busy. But this hospital could really use the help. I'm very upset that even a women who obviously should be seen soon was made to wait. I told Michael that I'm not got to that place unless a) my water breaks, b)I'm in so much pain that I can't even move and I'm driving him crazy or c) my contractions are like 1 minute apart. I'm very frustrated that I had to spend 6 hours for something that could/should have only take a few.

well I hope everyone had a great weekend. I apologize for the ranting.