Hello y'all. Michael has told me that he is leaving Iraq today. So I will not be around til he goes back, about 16 days. So I just thought I would tell ya'll.
After he is gone I will be posting all of our fun pictures from his visit with us. We are going to do alot of things.
I hope everyone has a great few weeks, and I will let y'all know when he is gone..
Before I forget to tell y'all, we chopped Ciarrah's hair off. It is really short she was not letting me comb it or even wash it. So we decided that it was time for it go, I will miss her long hair, but I really like her with the short hair I think she looks cute....

Today we had a great time. Except for missing daddy of course, but we still had fun.We had a great big family event dying Easter eggs. My mom, grandma, Aunt Kari, Krystal and her two boys, Landon and Calvin, my kids, my brother and his girlfriend, and of course my kids!! It was a blast. My cousin told me that Calvin was too young to die Easter eggs, but I convinced her to let him do it, and well I had to give a bath....He was covered in blue dye. He had a blast. I gave him a bath, but he had fun.Ciarrah loved it. Nothing unusual she had a blast last year, but this year she didn't want anyone to help go figure. But that is okay, cause I dyed some eggs, since last year daddy hogged all the fun. We had such a great time. It was nice having alot of the family around to do this. Since this will be our last holiday here. We will be in Texas for any other holidays so I am glad we got to have some family around for Ciarrah. I will be posting more pictures tomorrow, but I have some from tonight. I hope everyone has a great Easter. Oh and the most important news of all.....Michael will be home next week!! We are so excited. Ciarrah can't wait to see daddy!!
We have been very busy. I found out that Michael will be home in the middle of April for his r&r leave for 2 weeks. I am so very excited. We have been getting things ready for him to come home. We are staying in a hotel the entire 2 weeks that he is here, I am pretty darn excited. I can't wait. The other day Ciarrah comes up to me and tells me "Mommy, Daddy will be home very soon." I keep telling her yes he will be. We don't want to tell her to soon when he is coming, because things may change and she really doesn't understand next week or anything like that, she understand tomorrow and this is about it. lol. I feel that I have so much to do and not enough time to get it all done before he gets home. I still have to go get stuff that he wants, food wise. Cause I have to make him his favorite things to eat. But we have been very busy.Cooper seems to be doing much better. He is sleeping better at night, more awake during the day. So I am hoping when we go to the doctor tomorrow, they tell me he has gained some weight. We did go and see a foot doctor, he is a friend of mine. He looked at his feet and said the way the point outward is not normal, but he said we have to wait to see what happens when he starts walking. He said when he hips and all those part start to turn, his feet may turn, he said if not, he may need special soles in his shoes to help his feet turn in. So that is some good news about the little man.
Cooper sporting his hat On an even happier note, the housing office at Fort Hood called me today. The lady wanted to let me know that we are on the list and that I need to call her 45 days before I plan on moving down there and she will get me a house! I am so excited. I have been dealing with the housing office for a few months, kept getting the run around and I finally got a lady that does stuff very quickly. I just faxed all our paperwork into her on Tuesday and she already has it processed. I am s very pleased with her hard work getting it done so fast.I guess that is really all. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Ciarrah posing for a quick pic